66) With an old woman who lives in a shoe with 99 other children, 98 dogs, 97 calico cats, 96 blue jays, 95 sheep, 94 rabbits, 93 chickens, 92 toads, 91 mules, 90 cows, 89 pigs, 88 rats, 87 mice, 86 dirt daubers, 85 butterflies, 84 moles, 83 squirrels, 82 robin redbreasts, 81 trout, 80 beaver, 79 otters, 78 perch, 77 robin red breasts, 76 wren, 75 geese, 74 turtle doves, 73 flounder, 72 goldfish, 71 turtles, 70 finch, 69 guinea pigs, 68 hamsters, 67 mosquitos, 66 fleas, 65 ticks, 64 roosters, 63 worms, 62 gnats, 61 mites, 60 bed bugs, 59 chiggers, 58 Shetland ponies, 57 mustangs, 56 Clydesdales, 55 hummingbirds, 54 eels, 53 whales, 52 egrets, 51 eagles, 50 owls, 49 blue bugs, 48 tape worms, 47 maggots, 46 flies, 45 voles, 44 appaloosas, 43 swan, 42 tadpoles, 41 minnows, 40 water bugs, 39 yellow jackets, 38 lice, 37 pelicans, 36 sharks, 35 pigeons, 34 dolphins, 33 whales, 32 crabs, 31 buffalo, 30 giraffes, 29 elephants, 28 hippopotamus, 27 copper heads, 26 cobras, 25 angel fish, 24 tigers, 23 lions, 22 bears, 21 monkeys, 20 gorillas, 19 cheetahs, 18 gazelles, 17 antelope, 16 piranha, 15 manta rays, 14 crocodiles, 13 pumas, 12 zebras, 11 rattlesnakes, 10 condors, 9 asps, 8 hedgehogs, 7 tarantulas, 6 black widows, 5 brown recluse, 4 daddy long legs, 3 garter snakes, 2 bettas, and a partridge in a pear tree.