You caught me... I'm busted for the po' ignernt sumbitch that I be.
There's probably a twelve step program tailored just for what you need.
Eugenics is to sociology what intelligent design is to geology:
A steaming load of rubbish.
Interesting since "eugenics" was taught in every single university in the United States as fact right up until the end of WWII. There's a larger story behind that, but that's the synopsis.
If you deny we, all of humanity, are one type of thing with slight variations in our physical makeup then you, my friend, are worse than merely uneducated... you're a fool.
How do you do? I'm CoyoteUgly, asshole, high functioning sociopath, and scourge of the internet. I have no heart, as others will testify. Therefore,
ad hominem attacks such as this one are a waste of your time and mine. Try again, young lady.
You willfully ignore the evidence in front of your very eyes in order to continue harboring a bitter delusion.
Shall we dance? Evidence... hmmm, let me dig around here... lessee... OH YEAH... this is nice.
DOJ crime statistics consistently show that
a) the overwhelming majority of inter-racial crime committed in the US is done by blacks on other races. Why?
b) the overwhelming majority of violent crime period is committed by blacks. Why?
c) when non-white hispanics are seperated from caucasians in the criminal stats, caucasians themselves commit very little violent crime. Incidently, non-white hispanics are lumped together for purposes of charting criminals, but seperated when charting victims. Why? (I'll answer that one for you: because otherwise it would be blindingly obvious, even to you, that the bulk of crime in the US is committed by non-whites).
I can go on, but I suspect you won't catch the drift. Playing for the audience here, you see.