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Why are we going after Iran, again?

The Question said:
I'm not saying Islam isn't an ideology for psychopaths -- what I'm saying is that Zionism is merely another ideology for psychopaths that's brought Islam down on the U.S. while gaining us absolutely nothing. It's the Zionist policies of our government that's got the Jihadists blowing up American shit, because it made us one of their targets.

That is certainly a factor, I will not deny, but it is not the whole of the reason. The jihad imperative in Islam has manifested in a cyclic fashion across the history of Islam, with periods of jihad expansion and fervor followed by periods of quiescence. This lastest round of jihad fervor can be directly traced to the career and writings of Sayyid Qutb, the founder of the Muslim Brotherhood in the 1920's. This modern manifestation of Jihad has influenced modern muslims across the spectrum - from the "secular" Ba'athists and pan-arabists to the Nazi-loving Grand Mufti of Jerusalem (the progentitor and foundational inspiration of Hamas and Islamic Jihad for the Liberation of Palestine and, believe it or not, Fatah), to the Ayatolla Khomeini to Osama Bin Laden - all unabashedly hold up Qutb as the inspiration of modern jihadism.

Yes, the zionists have helped stir shit - but the shit was already bubbling - and the bottom line is this: I'd rather be kiked by a joo than beheaded by a jihadi. I can always get back on the joo.
Gurk_MacGuintey said:
That is certainly a factor, I will not deny, but it is not the whole of the reason. The jihad imperative in Islam has manifested in a cyclic fashion across the history of Islam, with periods of jihad expansion and fervor followed by periods of quiescence. This lastest round of jihad fervor can be directly traced to the career and writings of Sayyid Qutb, the founder of the Muslim Brotherhood in the 1920's. This modern manifestation of Jihad has influenced modern muslims across the spectrum - from the "secular" Ba'athists and pan-arabists to the Nazi-loving Grand Mufti of Jerusalem (the progentitor and foundational inspiration of Hamas and Islamic Jihad for the Liberation of Palestine and, believe it or not, Fatah), to the Ayatolla Khomeini to Osama Bin Laden - all unabashedly hold up Qutb as the inspiration of modern jihadism.

This isn't exactly news, but I see where you're going with it.

Yes, the zionists have helped stir shit - but the shit was already bubbling - and the bottom line is this: I'd rather be kiked by a joo than beheaded by a jihadi. I can always get back on the joo.

The Zionists haven't just helped stir shit -- their aggression in the region has been as bad as anything the Muslims meted out, and is what essentially "woke the sleeping giant" in the 20th century. But the worst part -- and my main point -- is that American Zionism is what put the U.S. on the fatwa list.
The Question said:
No, first British recognition and then U.N. recognition.

Do I have to fucking spell it out for you? Where does the British or U.N. have the authority to dictate what a state is or is not? By defenition Israel is a State. Recognition of anyone in the world is not required. You method of reasoning could place the US as a non state if you fucks just wanted it to not be recognized by Britain or the US. I can think of a few occasions that would grant reason for such a rulling by the U.N. Our continual theft of Native American Land and breaking of our treaties, pacts, and agreements with them. I could care less what you or any other person in the world politically declares as a state! The definition is what I will go by.

The Question said:
And then they weren't, after they were busted up by the Romans.

It looks like you can be taught... who knew?

The Question said:
Not even if you say so.

Like I said... you can cut and paste accurate history but you still dont believe it. I was right!

The Question said:
Then why did we? We were duped.

We were not duped! First WW germany attacked our merchant ships. That brought the US to war in WW1. WW2... pearl harbor sunk that ship (no pun intended). As you can see the involvement of the US in both wars was forced upon us. But I can tell that you of the kind that couldnt give a shit about your fellow Americans dying so I guess that explains your stance quite a bit!

The Question said:
It does, in fact, along with the Go Rin No Sho. Would you like to try to make a point?

If you didnt get it by now its shock value is lost!

The Question said:
Oh, let's see now who's a hypocrite -- you think it's okay for Israel to invade its neighbors, seize their territory and abuse the fuck out of their citizens -- on the idea that if those citizens don't like it, they can "just fucking leave." Right? But when faced with a hypothetical situation where you're on the receiving end of that kind of deal, suddenly "just fucking leave" isn't your answer anymore.

I say let Israel do as it pleases. I wont bother them unless they fuck with us. I say the same about the rest of the world. In its entirety! I would bring all US troops back home and say the next fucking nation having anything to do with a death of an american citizen, other than petty criminial actions, their country will be bombed to fuck and back! Nuclear Style! I would stop all foreing Aid... including Israels! I would say float your own fucking boat or sink it, I care not!

The Question said:
That's not hypocrisy. Maybe you should go ask your mommy what that word actually means before you use it around grownups.

You really dont have a fucking brain do you?

The Question said:
And does that mean we should? Look what it's getting us.

Its getting the business men rich while the mussie gubermints still allow it to happen and still get rich with it! Your point? We cant do business in a country unless they are for it? Or did you fucking miss that point in your $2 edge-you-kayshun? Notice how they want our money and our lives at the same time? What gives? That is what you call a scumbag... takes your money and want to kill you for it! But since your all on the same team as the Mussies why have you not bombed your local welfare office yet?

The Question said:
WTF do businesses have to do with this?

Damn you must feel really really short, because all kinds of shit is just going right over your head!

The Question said:
Show me some sanity and let's find out.

I did, and you called it ludicrous!
The Question said:
The Zionists haven't just helped stir shit -- their aggression in the region has been as bad as anything the Muslims meted out, and is what essentially "woke the sleeping giant" in the 20th century. But the worst part -- and my main point -- is that American Zionism is what put the U.S. on the fatwa list.

Yea we strap bombs on, blow up women and children, hijack aircraft, and cause a general nuisance.

yea we are the same as them. It is not hard to see that you hate Christians and the like so damn much that there is nothing that can be done to a its civiliation that is possibley depraved and inhuman. In fact... we often hang mussies dead burnt corpses from bridges after we behead them as well. Its a common thing in fact! You might be next! Run in fear little man! or girl or whatever the fuck you are!
Astral said:
Yea we strap bombs on, blow up women and children, hijack aircraft, and cause a general nuisance.

yea we are the same as them. It is not hard to see that you hate Christians and the like so damn much that there is nothing that can be done to a its civiliation that is possibley depraved and inhuman. In fact... we often hang mussies dead burnt corpses from bridges after we behead them as well. Its a common thing in fact! You might be next! Run in fear little man! or girl or whatever the fuck you are!

You're a moron. What we do is fund them, to the tune of billions a year -- in exchange for which we get... uh... nothing that's worth anywhere near that kind of cash. Plus, they get no-bid contracts on military hardware that they use for... what, again? Firing cruise missiles into apartment buildings. Now that doesn't sound at all like terrorist activity, does it? So we're giving some of the terrorists money and weapons, and the other terrorists are pissed at us because of that. Oh, that's just fuckin' incomprehensible, huh?
Astral said:
Do I have to fucking spell it out for you? Where does the British or U.N. have the authority to dictate what a state is or is not?

They don't, which is why the entire Muslim world is pissed that they went and did it anyway.
The Question said:
They don't, which is why the entire Muslim world is pissed that they went and did it anyway.


The "entire Muslim world" you say? Why would muslims in Iran, which does not border Palestine, be pissed? Why would muslims in Indonesia, which is thousands of miles away from Palestine, be pissed?

You claim there is no common threat from the entirety of the umma of Islam, yet here you acknowledge that the "entire Muslim world is pissed"

Can you explain this seeming inconsistency?

PS Here's a little hint about why muslim scum a thousand miles away from any Israeli kike might be inclined to make common cause with other muslim scum in jihad: "wafq" look up the concept and you may gain a better understanding of the insidious evil of the common enemy of mankind that is Islam.
Gurk_MacGuintey said:
You claim there is no common threat from the entirety of the umma of Islam, yet here you acknowledge that the "entire Muslim world is pissed"

Can you explain this seeming inconsistency?

Easily -- there is none, not in my actual statements anyway. The inconsistency only arises from your interpretation of my statements. There certainly is a common threat from Jihadists, but there is no threat specifically to the United States from Iran. American Zionists try to portray that there is, but the only threat from Iran is to Israel. Zionists, of course, would prefer that distinction not be made.

PS Here's a little hint about why muslim scum a thousand miles away from any Israeli kike might be inclined to make common cause with other muslim scum in jihad: "wafq" look up the concept and you may gain a better understanding of the insidious evil of the common enemy of mankind that is Islam.

Obviously. Of course, it also has to do, again, with inordinate amount of Zionist influence in U.S. foreign policy, meaning that Jihadists see American assets as Zionists assets, wherever they're found.
The Question said:
You're a moron. What we do is fund them, to the tune of billions a year -- in exchange for which we get... uh... nothing that's worth anywhere near that kind of cash. Plus, they get no-bid contracts on military hardware that they use for... what, again? Firing cruise missiles into apartment buildings. Now that doesn't sound at all like terrorist activity, does it? So we're giving some of the terrorists money and weapons, and the other terrorists are pissed at us because of that. Oh, that's just fuckin' incomprehensible, huh?

Well I already stated I dont want to fund any nation. But you know what? We fucking fund everyone? We are not discriminatory! So why are you bitching? We fund everything from condoms to terrorists!!! Were has it fucking got us? Bullshit from you and the terrorists!

It is well known that the terrorists like to hide right in the middle of their women and kids. Do you know what? Kill the women and kids as well then. Make them pay for their own disregard for their fellow citizens. They obviously dont give a fuck about that so why in the fuck should we? If their fellow muslims are just fucking find and dandy with helping hide them then they are just as fucking responsible! Why do you give them a pass and hold the others responsible? Your a fucking hypocrit at the end of the day. The muslims do no fucking wrong and its everyone else fault but theirs. Spoken like a true fundie liberal!
The Question said:
Easily -- there is none, not in my actual statements anyway. The inconsistency only arises from your interpretation of my statements. There certainly is a common threat from Jihadists, but there is no threat specifically to the United States from Iran. American Zionists try to portray that there is, but the only threat from Iran is to Israel. Zionists, of course, would prefer that distinction not be made.

Obviously. Of course, it also has to do, again, with inordinate amount of Zionist influence in U.S. foreign policy, meaning that Jihadists see American assets as Zionists assets, wherever they're found.

No Threat to the US? Directly right now? No there is not. But would you fucking let your worst enemy build a gun to shoot you in your fucking face before you react? Then you Dead! Just flat out fucking Dead!

Rule #1. If your the big man on the block... keep it that way!

If there is no God as you libs say there is, then He who is in charge is the ruler of morals and law! There is no REAL right or wrong! Its only what you want. True relativism at its finest! O wait... you liberals still fuck that up to! Cant you get anything straight?

Iran hates Israel and will drop a nuke on them as soon as they get the chance. But I am sure your just fine and dandy with that, its only Israel. As long as only the muslims blow things up the world is fine and dandy!
Astral said:
Well I already stated I dont want to fund any nation. But you know what? We fucking fund everyone? We are not discriminatory! So why are you bitching? We fund everything from condoms to terrorists!!! Were has it fucking got us? Bullshit from you and the terrorists!

It is well known that the terrorists like to hide right in the middle of their women and kids. Do you know what? Kill the women and kids as well then. Make them pay for their own disregard for their fellow citizens. They obviously dont give a fuck about that so why in the fuck should we? If their fellow muslims are just fucking find and dandy with helping hide them then they are just as fucking responsible! Why do you give them a pass and hold the others responsible? Your a fucking hypocrit at the end of the day. The muslims do no fucking wrong and its everyone else fault but theirs. Spoken like a true fundie liberal!

Why are we going after them at all, as it is? Stop funding the region and they lose any justification they currently lay claim to for attacking our assets in the first place. If they keep it up after they no longer have any provocation to lay claim to, then I agree -- kill 'em all. But I mean all -- not just the Muslims.
The Question said:
Easily -- there is none, not in my actual statements anyway. The inconsistency only arises from your interpretation of my statements. There certainly is a common threat from Jihadists, but there is no threat specifically to the United States from Iran. American Zionists try to portray that there is, but the only threat from Iran is to Israel. Zionists, of course, would prefer that distinction not be made.

Yes, some of your statements can be a bit vague and ambiguous. You should learn to be more blunt and forthright, then these misapprehensions would be less frequent.

In any case, you either ignored or missed the main question: Why does Iran, which does not border Israel and is several hundred miles away, care about Israel?

Of course, it also has to do, again, with inordinate amount of Zionist influence in U.S. foreign policy, meaning that Jihadists see American assets as Zionists assets, wherever they're found.

To the Mujer, or Jihadist, there is absolutely no distinction between a liberal jew, a comminist jew, a zionist jew, a christian, an atheist, an english homosexual, a hindu or an American apolitical wigger - ALL are "kufr", infidels to be converted to Islam or killed.

Osama Bin Laden didn't view the twin towers as "zionist assets", he viewed them as part of "Dar al Harb", just like you and me and everyone and everything deemed "non-islamic" and therefore worthy of destruction.
The Question said:
Why are we going after them at all, as it is? Stop funding the region and they lose any justification they currently lay claim to for attacking our assets in the first place. If they keep it up after they no longer have any provocation to lay claim to, then I agree -- kill 'em all. But I mean all -- not just the Muslims.

This is one point where we agree! I dont think we should fund anything foreign period!
Gurk_MacGuintey said:
Yes, some of your statements can be a bit vague and ambiguous. You should learn to be more blunt and forthright, then these misapprehensions would be less frequent.

In any case, you either ignored or missed the main question: Why does Iran, which does not border Israel and is several hundred miles away, care about Israel?

To the Mujer, or Jihadist, there is absolutely no distinction between a liberal jew, a comminist jew, a zionist jew, a christian, an atheist, an english homosexual, a hindu or an American apolitical wigger - ALL are "kufr", infidels to be converted to Islam or killed.

Osama Bin Laden didn't view the twin towers as "zionist assets", he viewed them as part of "Dar al Harb", just like you and me and everyone and everything deemed "non-islamic" and therefore worthy of destruction.

Exactly on par. No matter were you go or what your doing... if you not a muslim you should be dead!

We are dealing with a sect of religious zealots who believe they should RULE THE WORLD! They will stop at nothing to achieve it! In fact their own damn religion condones and encourages lying to achieve this as well!
It says to "Be friendly to their faces and wait till their backs are turned so that you may smite them!"
TQ thinks they were peacefull all that time that we had to troubles with them. Well, we have no trouble from any enemy while they build up their arsenal and sit and wait for us to "turn our backs".
Gurk_MacGuintey said:
Yes, some of your statements can be a bit vague and ambiguous. You should learn to be more blunt and forthright, then these misapprehensions would be less frequent.

But also less entertaining.

In any case, you either ignored or missed the main question: Why does Iran, which does not border Israel and is several hundred miles away, care about Israel?

To the Mujer, or Jihadist, there is absolutely no distinction between a liberal jew, a comminist jew, a zionist jew, a christian, an atheist, an english homosexual, a hindu or an American apolitical wigger - ALL are "kufr", infidels to be converted to Islam or killed.

Osama Bin Laden didn't view the twin towers as "zionist assets", he viewed them as part of "Dar al Harb", just like you and me and everyone and everything deemed "non-islamic" and therefore worthy of destruction.

Sorry, but you're still just flat wrong on this. For all of the ambiguity present in some statements of Jihadists about the "enemies of God", they have and still do make it very clear who they specifically believe those enemies are:

"Our work targets world infidels. Our enemy is the crusader alliance led by America, Britain and Israel. It is a crusader-Jewish alliance."

— Osama bin Laden
from a TIME interview, 1998

"It is the duty of every Muslim to fight. Killing Jews is top priority."

-- Osama bin Laden
in video made public ~Nov. 11

Simply, they have a hard-on for the Jews, and because of U.S. government financial and military support of Israel, they have named all Americans Jews-by-proxy. Simple as that.
The Question said:
But also less entertaining.

Sorry, but you're still just flat wrong on this. For all of the ambiguity present in some statements of Jihadists about the "enemies of God", they have and still do make it very clear who they specifically believe those enemies are:

Simply, they have a hard-on for the Jews, and because of U.S. government financial and military support of Israel, they have named all Americans Jews-by-proxy. Simple as that.

Lol... you simply do not get it. We are viewed as a Christian Nation to the world. That alone is enough to drive their frenzy. Besides, although I personally would retract all funding of any forgein nation I still would help defend them if they went to war. Our diplomatic ties to Israel is enough, regardless of the money spent. Also this is a forgone conclusion. God placed the US here to defend Israel. It is all over prophecy, for those who have a brain and the wisdom to understand it. You nor I can or will ever change that! If you think you can beat God at this game, get to cracking, because your in for a long hard loss!

One of these days things just might click... but I will not be holding my breath! Shit is going to happen either way... I am just going to make sure I am on the right of things! Literally!

I like the jews by proxy-comment. To become Christian in a sense is to become a Jew. I dont suppose that it means anything to you that they are far more religously learned than you. And the money spent means shit to them!
Messenger said:

What the fuck does that picture have to do with anything? Lemme guess... you think I am a bush supporter... ha ha... thats rich. I rank you on the same level as Bush if that helps you out!
It's obvious how inundated you've with this 'clash of cultures' stuff. You don't have to be a Bush supporter to be an idiot.
The Question said:
But also less entertaining.

I have plenty of fun being blunt and forthright!

Sorry, but you're still just flat wrong on this. For all of the ambiguity present in some statements of Jihadists about the "enemies of God", they have and still do make it very clear who they specifically believe those enemies are:

Do you know what "Dar al Harb" means?