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Why are we going after Iran, again?

Astral said:
Thats what gets me about you freaks... You think Israel is behind every plot in the world!

Nah, just the ones it is behind. And stuff that religious bullshit back up your ass where it belongs. Or better yet, check this out:

My god says I'm the Chosen People. So suck it.
The Question said:
Really. So you think the fuckers that blew up the Cole or the assclowns who hijacked those airliners had Hindus and Turks on their minds. Jesus Christ, words don't describe it.

At the time... maybe not.. in the long run... hell yes! Besides who are we to know what is in their mind?

Just because the peon sapper was not thinking it does not mean his Imam or what the fuck ever was not! You fuckers will do anything to get away from the truth! Include hinging the entire validity of all the other wars Islam has had with Other countries and relgions with a comment like..

The Question said:
Really. So you think the fuckers that blew up the Cole or the assclowns who hijacked those airliners had Hindus and Turks on their minds. Jesus Christ, words don't describe it.

You are right words cant describe your fucking refusal to accept truth right here in your fucking face! PROOF! FLAT OUT FUCKING PROOF! And you still refuse. I could understand you having some reservations I was trying to sell you a religion but this is fucking HISTORICAL FACT BITCH! You nor the media can change it!

We live in a world were people listen to truth and review history (cons typically) and in a world were people hate truth and use a media machine to twist contort, and press lies untill they are accepted as facts (libs typically)!

You belong in the lib department! Your so wrapped up in your racism against Jews you would happily drive a terroist bomber to his destination! But I know you are too chicken shit to be around when he blows it up!
Astral said:
LOL did I get that right? HE CAN BE TAUGHT!!! Kudos! You show promise. Anyone who can learn and accept the truth has promise! Dont let ANYONE tell you how to react. Get the facts for yourself and learn!

I have my facts straight. It's you that I'm watching play fast and loose with history, which annoys me to no end.

TQ is right that the main motive (the one garnering them the most support) is Israel. You are correct that if you removed Israel, and then left all other political and economic factors in modern history, they would still hate us. So the both of you are shouting the exact same points at each other. Why?

TQ, we'd have still propped up OPEC Israel or no, we wanted their oil.
The Question said:
Nah, just the ones it is behind. And stuff that religious bullshit back up your ass where it belongs. Or better yet, check this out:

My god says I'm the Chosen People. So suck it.

lol... every religion has that line. In fact most translations of Indian Tribal names have much the same translation... Like "Principal People" "The Chosen" or something of that nature!

All cannot be true... but 1 can! Up to you to figure that out!

You cant rule out religion in this discussion because it is a corner stone to it!

Mussies hate joos!!! Why? go figure it out bitch! I wonder if you will find plenty of religious mentions about it? Or if you will find none?
Astral said:
blah blah blah

So we have pretty much all the tangos saying they're blowing up our shit because we support Israel. We have our own government saying "We support Israel." We have fiscal reports pegging our financial support of Israel in the trillions of dollars, cumulatively.

So we do support Israel, way more than we support any other country. We do know this pisses off the ragheads. We do have videos from them, pronouncements of a dozen different kinds from them, stating flat-out that that's why they're attacking us.

But you continue to insist that that's not why they're attacking us.

Just shut the fuck up.
Astral said:
lol... every religion has that line. In fact most translations of Indian Tribal names have much the same translation... Like "Principal People" "The Chosen" or something of that nature!

All cannot be true... but 1 can!

Of course, and it's the one I just told you. I am the Chosen People.

You cant rule out religion in this discussion because it is a corner stone to it!

Actually, I can do any damn thing I want. :sarek:

Mussies hate joos!!! Why? go figure it out bitch! I wonder if you will find plenty of religious mentions about it? Or if you will find none?

And the U.S. is seen by them as a Jewish-controlled country. Gosh, now when did that perception crop up?
When Nixon started providing money and weapons to Israel in their 1973 war. You know, up until I researched the exact year, I didn't know why the U.S. had that huge oil crisis in the 70s? It was because the Arabs were pissed that we were fueling Israeli aggression and cut us off.
The Question said:
When Nixon started providing money and weapons to Israel in their 1973 war. You know, up until I researched the exact year, I didn't know why the U.S. had that huge oil crisis in the 70s? It was because the Arabs were pissed that we were fueling Israeli aggression and cut us off.
Not to mention the Krytons which he supplied... to make teh Israeli nukes.
Messenger said:
Not to mention the Krytons which he supplied... to make teh Israeli nukes.

And those lovable Frenchies helped out quite a bit with that, as well, setting up the Demona reactor for them.
The Question said:
So we have pretty much all the tangos saying they're blowing up our shit because we support Israel. We have our own government saying "We support Israel." We have fiscal reports pegging our financial support of Israel in the trillions of dollars, cumulatively.

So we do support Israel, way more than we support any other country. We do know this pisses off the ragheads. We do have videos from them, pronouncements of a dozen different kinds from them, stating flat-out that that's why they're attacking us.

But you continue to insist that that's not why they're attacking us.

Just shut the fuck up.

You still dont get it do you? I am saying we would be attacked regardless. I will agree that part of the impetous for Mussies attacking NOW rather than later would have something to do with our current support of Israel, but thats only a small time frame! I am directly telling you if there was no such thing as a jew on the face of the planet anymore becuase they were wiped out something like 9/11 would have still happened! The mussies dont hate the US for the sole reason of support Israel or for giving them funding! We fund the mussies as well!

They hate the US more for our "immoral" culture! I am sure you have heard this before right? And yet... we have so many mudslimes movin to America to live easy and have a good life? Or are they here to invade at a later date? Give it time bitch... their motto has always been "Israel first, the Zionists second!" You only need to go to the middle east and become a mussie to find the truth for your self. We need to get your brain unaddicted to Liberal Lies Media News! Mussies hate everyone! Our support of Israel is only wise and prudent! And entirely not the cause of mussie aggression against us. It only has suceeded in making our present more painfully aware to the mussies. And what happends when a Giant show up? Everyone seems to notice! Sure the US could back away from Israel, and retard the mussie aggression against US but it would not stop them from coming for us anyway! This entire negates your premis what we would all be fine and dandy if we just left Israel to die by the terrorists! Your nothing but cowards... offering up other people in hopes you get eaten last! You die 1000 deaths as a Cowards yet I shall only die once!
The Question said:
When Nixon started providing money and weapons to Israel in their 1973 war. You know, up until I researched the exact year, I didn't know why the U.S. had that huge oil crisis in the 70s? It was because the Arabs were pissed that we were fueling Israeli aggression and cut us off.

Eh, just a nitpick, I don't think it was the money part of the equation that did it. We'd been giving them money before then. We had never directly just given them weapons until right about then though. There's your distinction. And as far as I can remember, it fueled all manner of shit. Lebanon, The Shah in Iran, The whole Libya thing, all got the spark-that-led-to-(insert event here) from that first shipment of free weapons.
Messenger said:

Well, it wouldn't, except that that parcel of bullshit the U.S. caught on account of doing it didn't seem to sway anyone toward not doing it anymore. It started hurting the American people right off the bat, but somehow our representatives' give-a-shit got lost in transit.
The Question said:
Gurk should simply concede what are self-evident truths supported by evidence, rather than continuing to blather on about red herrings in obstinate refusal to see the obvious.

Gurk's position is based upon intensive scholarship an exhaustive analysis of the doctrines and tenets of Islam as revealed by Koran, Hadith and Sunnah - doctrines and tenets that drive and guide our common muslim enemies.

TQ's assertions narrowly focus upon a single facet of the wider reality to the exclusion of all else, in spite of overwhelming evidence of the universalism of Jihad Ideology that operates independently and apart from jews, Israel and US policy.

Tell me, TQ, do you think the jews and US policy had anything to do with the Canadian Jihadis who were aressted this week?
Gurk_MacGuintey said:
Gurk's position is based upon intensive scholarship an exhaustive analysis of the doctrines and tenets of Islam as revealed by Koran, Hadith and Sunnah - doctrines and tenets that drive and guide our common muslim enemies.

TQ's assertions narrowly focus upon a single facet of the wider reality to the exclusion of all else, in spite of overwhelming evidence of the universalism of Jihad Ideology that operates independently and apart from jews, Israel and US policy.

Tell me, TQ, do you think the jews and US policy had anything to do with the Canadian Jihadis who were aressted this week?

I think we just need to call this what it is Gurk. They are anti-semetics! They hate Israel so much just like the mussies they want to see it whacked off the face of the planet. They also hate the Christians as well, but the scurvy Joos come first... we can kill the rest later!

This seems to align with my comments about how liberals dream of the destruction of America!
Gurk_MacGuintey said:
Gurk's position is based upon intensive scholarship an exhaustive analysis of the doctrines and tenets of Islam as revealed by Koran, Hadith and Sunnah - doctrines and tenets that drive and guide our common muslim enemies.

TQ's assertions narrowly focus upon a single facet of the wider reality to the exclusion of all else, in spite of overwhelming evidence of the universalism of Jihad Ideology that operates independently and apart from jews, Israel and US policy.

Let me make you a little diagram to see if you're capable of understanding something this simple:

Cause A:>---------------------------------------------------------------X
Cause B:...................................................................>---------------X
Effect 1:...................................................................>---------------X

Now -- which cause can be most directly associated with the effect in question? If you answered Cause A (as you essentially have been doing) you would be a Fucking Moron(tm). Islamic fundamentalists' desire for a global Sharia-based Caliphate has existed for far longer than U.S. military support of Israel. It also far pre-dates Islamic terrorism against the United States.

It is an underlying cause, but it is not the direct cause. Keep insisting otherwise, though, because at this point you don't have any credibility left to lose.

Tell me, TQ, do you think the jews and US policy had anything to do with the Canadian Jihadis who were aressted this week?

No, that appears to have been a bid to force the release of Muslim prisoners in Canadian custody and to force Canada to withdraw its troops from Afghanistan. So tell me, Gurk, why do you insist on talking about every country other than the U.S. or Iran? Is it because you'd have to concede the point if you actually remain on-topic?