Troll Kingdom

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It's pretty fucking weird how they had him win the big battle royal at WrestleMania, slamming Big Show over the top rope, shake hands with Big Show after to turn face...then just turned him heel the next night and took away everything about him that the fans liked (Giant Swing.) Maybe Vince left HHH in charge of the battle royal then later said "you had WHO win!?"



Even their video packages were so much better back then.

I think I listened to that commentary on his podcast...
Network finally launching in the UK...

The WWE just announced that the network launch will be on 1/19 with a video on the WWE web site of Vince McMahon. It will be the same online version in the U.S. and they are pushing that all PPVs will be included.

A wider story and interview with Stephanie is in tomorrow's The Sun (MONDAY 5/1/2015) - Britain's biggest-selling tabloid newspaper.

Please link back if quoted: WWE Network UK exclusive: Stephanie McMahon says Network has something for everyone | The Sun |Showbiz|TV

"I think the beauty of the WWE Network is that there really is something for everyone," said Stephanie, 38, WWE's Chief Brand Officer and daughter of Vince.

"We have the most passionate fans in the world. The Network, as well as all of our programming is designed to give them a creative experience worthy of that passion."

She added: "There are no differences with the exception of the price point – it is £9.99 in the UK and €12.99 in Ireland,” she said.

"We’re ready to press that button on January 19, just in time for the Royal Rumble."

"It is important to note we continue our very strong relationship with BSkyB and we are proud to be their partner. But the WWE Network is exclusively owned by WWE so it is important for subscribers to know they can only sign up via"

So we're paying more than the rest of the world.
I suppose it's lucky that they have shilled the fuck out of the 9.99 meme or it would probably be more.

I watched Wrestle Kingdom 9 btw. The Nakamura Ibushi fight was totally insane. Absolutely fantastic 5* match. Check it out.
I'll watch it tonight or tomorrow. Will be interesting to see if JR gets everyone's name right. He had a hard enough time telling the Hardy brothers apart, even when Jeff had green hair.
He starts off slow but by the last two matches he's in fine form. Striker was good as well but he is the smarkiest smark in the fucking world.
Yeah Striker was much better than I feared he would be. He'd obviously done a lot of resource and stepped in to stop JR fucking up quite a few times (though yeah JR got better as it went on.)

It was a much better show than any WWE show in recent memory. Every match was entertaining (okay the MMA rules match was a bit weird but having the context explained helped) and the top two matches were great. It was funny that they showed clips of Ibushi wrestling a blow-up doll to show how far he's come (don't get me wrong I loved the blow-up doll matches!)

Nobody does pale like England. We all win. Paige is hot. Other "Divas" suck. End of!