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Kamala has falled on hard times lately (as the article mentions) and I think is bitter about WWE not paying his medical bills. So I don't know how credible he is.
Survivor Series

Talk about a one match show...

Starts with a promo, like an episode of RAW. Boring.

Tag match. Not all that great. Usos and the Dust brothers have had better matches together. Mizdow was amusing as always.

Divas elimination match. You could really tell the difference between the quality of workers here. Paige and Nattie were obviously streets ahead of everyone else. Naomi and Emma are pretty good too. The rest sucked. Went too long. Paige should have destroyed the face team by herself and won. I love Paige.

Ambrose/Wyatt. It was okay? Match was going fine then they redid the Cena WrestleMania thing except Ambrose just beat him up. Then brought a ladder out and the fans were obviously expecting him to do something...but he just stood on it. Literally just an advert for TLC.

Adam Rose and The Bunny versus Slater Gator. I wouldn't pay attention to this shit on Superstars let alone a ppv.

AJ/Nikki. What the fuck. What was the point of the last month of Brie being Nikki's slave if she just turns heel? Unless they really are doing an incest story. AT LAST (they won't do that.)

Main event was good but weird. Even in a really long match they have someone eliminated in 30 seconds. After all the build up for Ryback he meant something. Ziggler and Rollins were very good. Of course in the end even Ziggler's big win is overshadowed by someone else.

What did you think, Mentalist?
Menty have you listened to the CM Punk interview?


There's going to be a Q&A follow-up.

Corey Graves, we hardly knew ye!

Open was a good introduction to Steen (OR SHOULD I SAY OWENS.) The accidental blood only made him look cooler.

Tag title match wass good. I love the Vaudevillains but I doubt they'll ever make it to the main shows.

The tall guys squashed someone again. The fat guy who also squashes people watched. Meh. At least they have a storyline.

That was probably The Ancension's best match ever. Which isn't saying much, I know, but it really was a good match. Balor looks like he could be a major singles star in the future. He's got presence.

Women's match was great. Of course it makes me think I don't ever want these two moved up to the main show because they'd NEVER get a twenty minute match on the main roster. Not even on ppv. Even Paige is now doing three minutes matches with Alicia Fox on Superstars.

Main event was excellent. Better than whatever Cena match just won "match of the year" at the Slammies. Great story. Then they had Steen turn heel right away! A surprise but I think it works.

How can TLC compete with this? With the awesome of a STAIRS MATCH!?
Gillian Jacobs tweeted Sami Zayn good luck before the show!

^deserves a thanks/likes/karma, I feel

TLC (and Stairs)

What a stupid fucking name for a show.

Opener was very good. Ziggler and Harper both took some really bad falls that didn't look planned, but it added to the excitement!

Tag match was just more Mizdow comedy. Which he's great at, yes, but it's hard to have a proper match around it. Ending didn't help.

Stairs match was lol. A fucking stairs match. With BIG RED, MAGGLE! Too much setting up the stairs. That's the problem with all these gimmick matches. They have to take time to set up spots and when it's a fucking stairs match the fans aren't going to care.

Cena/Rollins was meh. Cena wins twice. The part where they both went through the table and the match was restarted was pointless (and why didn't the other two refs tell the first ref that Cena won while he was knocked out?)

Roman Reigns tries to act like The Rock in his interview. He's really not.

Remember when I was complaining in the NXT review that the Divas never get a long match? AJ and Nikki probably aren't the two to give a long match to. I mean it wasn't terrible but it was pretty meh. Charlotte/Paige/Sasha should be having these matches.

Chairs was a fucking chairs match. They hit each other with chairs. Fans didn't care. At least Kane didn't win.

Rusev/Swagger have another match. It was funny that Swagger actually escaped and countered the Accolade, because you just know when Cena does the same at WM JBL will be all "NO ONE'S EVER GOT OUT OF THE ACCOLADE, MAGGLE!"

Main event was mostly a very good match. Liked the elbow drops off increasingly large ladders. But then Ambrose is defeated exploding tv monitor. Because Vince thinks mointors explode when you unplug them I guess. It's funny that they'll let Ambrose main event ppvs but he never actually wins (hasn't won one ppv match this year) and he's obviously not going to be a world title contender any time soon.

Yeah the NXT show was better.