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July 17th - Mighty Machines cut the phone lines! Annoying neighbour from three doors down who freaks out about everything has been to my door twice. WTF does she think I can do about it? the Bell repair guys will come and fix it eventually. She should get on-line and just chill!
Maybe she depends on the phone lines for her internet!!! Last night a tree fell on the power lines, it was exciting.
17/7/08 been married four years, also found out I wouldnt be shortlisted for one of the jobs I applied for.
18/7/08 thought we might have another car problem, but turned out they didnt zero the milage when we had our last service, so the car thought it was still due for one
July 18: rainy grey day -
worked like a bugger yesterday so hopefully can have some Me time to finish up The Road and do some shading on the Absinthe Drinker.
bloody raccoon or skunk was into the garbage again last night..mess everywhere. argh!
July 18: Chased a cow this morning, built a fire to smoke a pork loin over.. IT RAINED. It's not raining now, so I hope the fire keeps going.
July 25: Spent the day cleaning my gram's house, breathed too many fumes. I am sleepy, but not from the fumes. NOT MUCH ELSE TO REPORT. Bumped this thread.

(been waiting to hear!)

August 1st - the main water pipe runs under my front lawn as it turns out so watched the mighty machines digging up my garden. :(

Also - excitement this AM- went to get bike from backyard - came face to face with skunk!
I said: SHIT!
She backed up.
I backed up.
Then I ran back into the kitchen and slammed the backdoor, she ran past and scurried into her hidey-hole [where ever it is].

(been waiting to hear!)

August 1st - the main water pipe runs under my front lawn as it turns out so watched the mighty machines digging up my garden. :(

Also - excitement this AM- went to get bike from backyard - came face to face with skunk!
I said: SHIT!
She backed up.
I backed up.
Then I ran back into the kitchen and slammed the backdoor, she ran past and scurried into her hidey-hole [where ever it is].

Festival was awesome. P.O.D, Filter and Everclear were the best bands. Might have to get some of their CDs. Also had fun jousting American Gladiator style with rocktar, and rode a mechanical bull. The only downside was the on again off again rain and being sore from standing for 12 hours.

8/2/08-Going down to my parents house today for an early birthday celebration, then some overdue apartment cleaning, then Church and then a late night spam session.
August 12 - left the parking lights on and ran the battery down on the car....happily, nice neighbour boosted it BUT - the radio/cd player wouldnt work and there was this flashing message: code ----. I looked in the manual for meanings to this cryptic message but nuthin. So I call the dealership and the guy tells me it'll cost $100 to remove the radio and see what the code is (written on the top of the radio)and re-set the radio. BAH!
August 17 - got in late last night from folk festival and dint appreciate stupid skunk rooting noisily around on kitchen back step @ 6:30 AM. Knocked on the door to try and scare him off. Noted he's not particularily scared of me.
August 17: One more day until my birthday. Geez. Only 35 and I already feel so old. On the upside: Finally going to see The Dark Knight tommorrow. And my new laptop should be arriving tommorrow!
8/18/2008: Had a good birthday today. Saw The Dark Knight and my laptop arrived today. Hopefully will have it up and running by this weekend.