Troll Kingdom

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You do that because coffee is good. Woke up with a headache. Work looms before me. It has ceased to be fun. Now we do it for the same reason as everyone else in the country- the money is great and the people I work for are nice.
16/4/7 - Watched the last episode of Evangelion. Slightly disappointed and muddled. Well that's Japanese television for you.
11th - 16th April: Ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhh980[8(!U*)!&!)(* sy8u M I NEED ANOTHER JOB!!( HATEHATEHATE
^is it tax time there too?

April 17/07:

enuff arsing around at TK - back to the bloody Section 916, Sub Section XYZ qz-932a of the T114 Form required for declaring where Distaff Relatives are Buried in order to qualify for a T-9 Ontario Tax Credit....
Gagh is a taxman, so when his fury has abaited he can tell us when the tax year ends. I haven't seen any adverts with thingamy Hart-Davis lately, so I'm guessing those tax forms(tax doesn't have to be taxing! lol) aren't in for a while yet.

17/4/7 - Woke up late, got phone call from Mum, went to supermarket, sat outside reading Dr.Who feature in the Radio Times. Will have to make dinner shortly. :( Neverending cycle of food/washing up.

Day 5 of being too sick to exercise and it being too cold and damp to even go outside. I'm now stir-crazy as fuck.

At least I can talk without rasping, now!
18/4/7 - Didn't realise we had an election in a few days, they should probably publicise it more. Today was unremarkable but I did have a great dinner, stir fried some veggies and beef with nice sauce.
4/19/07 - Worked overtime at the new job Mon night & tonight, spent day off on Tues. hung over, now trying to catch up and resurrect REFCL (oops).
April 19/07:
my cousin called to give me a heads up about an auction tonight.
meantime, SPRING CLEANING....omg.
which reminds me:


SHOULD I throw out- unopened- this yogurt container from the back of the fridge marked Nov. 23 or should I FEED IT TO AN UNSUSPECTING PUBLIC?
April 19: I am procrastinating the day away.. la la la. I should be writing up the next podcast which is due Monday but I really need to record it tomorrow at the latest because it's too noisy around here on the weekends. I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO SAY ON THE DAMN THING. BSG is over for a long time.. blah, the season wasn't exciting enough for me to actually care enough about it to keep talking and talking as if I have nothing better to do (spam) I'm just being a bitchy flibbertigibbet at the moment OK?
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