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Doctor Who Series 9 - September 19th

Mmm, the eye bogies as bad guys thing I can deal with, because this is a wacky show and all, but I just didn't really understand what was going on for the last 10 minutes or so. And overall I found it kind of boring. The bottle episodes on a space station have been done too much now, and the two-parter earlier in the season was so much better and had more interesting characters. It's difficult not to compare the two and find this one lacking.

The disintegration at the end has probably traumatised a generation of kids who begged to stay up late, and their parents who said "oh, ok then, it's only Doctor Who... how bad could it be?"

Next week's looks interesting, even if that was definitely Diagon Alley.
Mmm, the eye bogies as bad guys thing I can deal with....

It was like they were trying to recreate the brilliant end of Blink with the "any statue anywhere can kill you" but with "your eye boogers can kill" except that doesn't work at all because I don't think even kids are dumb enough to be scared of fucking eye boogers.

So did turning the gravity thing off kill all the sandmen at the end?

Yes, but it didn't matter. The bad guy's plan was to send a transmission with the eye booger virus encoded as a subliminal message and he succdeeded. So everyone on Triton (and beyond?) is turned into sandmen I guess and it's really weird that the episode with the biggest cliffhanger of the series isn't a two-parter like the four previous stories.

It's also weird that they included the part where Clara goes into the machine and the Doctor says the conversion process has started on her and looks worried when she asks if he can fix it, then never mentioned it again. No I don't neeed it spelled out that he cured her in the TARDIS, but why even bother having the conversion process start if it wasn't going to be relevant at all?
Maybe she'll turn into an eye bogey (why didn't they call them "bogeymen"??) person and that's why she leaves. Along with anyone who sits through a second episode of this.
Well I kind of liked that one, at least until Clara's 15 minute death scene.

Hope everyone stayed till the end of the credits for the extra scene.
No, I turned off as I didn't want to see the preview for next week's (don't really need to have the cliffhanger resolved a minute after the episode's ended). Will have to catch up on iplayer.

It was an ok episode. Would've been better not knowing Clara was leaving as otherwise I would've believed she could be saved. Who knows. Maybe she'll be back again anyway.
Rigsy had turned the tardis into a memorial for Clara.

Was it just me who thought the neck tattoo on Ashilda looked like a cock and balls?
I thought it looked like scissors.

It's a shame they telegraphed Clara's death so much. Not just by basically announcing this was her last episode, but the advert that was on the BBC all the time showing the exact moment of her death. It made sense as a death in the episode in charater as Clara has been getting cocky and tring to act like the Doctor, but it also felt too...neat? Like I wouldn't be surprised at all if they undo it in some way and then she leaves to be a normal person or whatever. But maybe that's just because it all went exactly as I was expecting and now I'm looking for a twist that isn't there.

The acting from Capaldi and Coleman was great. It'll be hard to get another companion up to the quality of Coleman (even though Clara as a character got reset every year.) Maisie was good too.
There was a perception filter over the street that made all the aiens look human. (Why? The street was hidden anyone and anyone who entered was retconned, so why did the aliens have to appear human?) And why didn't it work on the aliens with the face on the back of their heads? Answer: budget and story reason.) So even though we think we saw Clara die we could have actually been seeing something else and our perception was altered.

Or maybe for once she actually is dead and we've been trained too well to look for twists.

Rigsy had turned the tardis into a memorial for Clara.

But how could he remember what happened when any human who finds the street is retconned before they leave? ("Presumably Ashildir let him leave without being retconned because she felt bad about what happened, Wacky.")
Well, that was pretty great. One of the best directed episodes ever and quite an insane twist that actually held together. I mean, it's up to the finale to make sense of the "I'm the hybrid!" thing but on its own I can't fault this episode.

Next time preview pretty clearly showed Clara (but still in the same clothes.) I wish TIMOTHY DALTON was coming back to spit over everyone but somehow I doubt it!
Yeah that was really good and I am super hyped for next week and Peter Capaldi is really good and I liked that episode.

And we've known he was half human (on his mother's side) since 1996 anyway!
I liked it, although they gave the central twist away too early.

Two niggles.

If everything resets why is the wear and tear on the diamond not fixed each time?

If he dies every few days for over a billion years there would be so many skulls in the water they would be above the surface by the end of it.
That was excellent.

I was expecting for a while that the monster would turn out to be the Fisher King, because he had similar hands.

And then I thought "bird" was related to the raven from last week.

So successful red herrings for me.
I did think about the "part human" thing when he said he's the hybrid, but it hasn't been mentioned once since the 2005 revival and I think everyone hated it anyway. It would need quite an explanation. (They could finally reveal that it was his mother in that episoe with Wilf I can't remember the name of and she could say "by the way, I'm human!")

I think the dimaond wasn't part of the rest of the castle so it didn't get reset? I thought about the skulls too but maybe the ocean gets deeper as required or something.