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Doctor Who Series 9 - September 19th

Wait, what's this half human stuff about? The hybrid is supposedly half Dalek, half Time Lord. They telegraphed it a couple times since 2005 (though the Series 1 version was probably not written with that intent) when on two different occasions a Dalek told him he would be a good Dalek. But the other time it happened was in Series 8, so that one probably was tied into this by design.
It's also very possible when he said "The hybrid is me" he actually said "The hybrid is Me".

Yeah I'm now 99.99% sure that's what it is since Moffat's done that kind of wordplay thing before and I'm disappointed in myself for no thinking of it first.
I don't know who Me is, also I can't for the life of me remember what the significance of him writing BIRD in the sand was.

GOOD EPISODE. I liked how he finally worked out that he was stuck repeating the same shit over and over.
I liked it, dragged a bit in places, but overall good, went a bit Moffety when the Dalek and Cyberman got a few seconds and his weeping angels got a lot more time, and fuck Clara still being alive, could she just not well and truly die?

But still, good episode.

So thats two out of an entire season for me.

Christmas episode looks either fun or totally shit. I guess we will know in 20 days.
I really liked that.

I liked how it wasn't a huge explosion action finale, and instead dealt with character development instead.
I liked how the hybrid ended up being a concept instead of a literal thing (much like the name of The Doctor in "The Name of The Doctor!).
I really like how Rachel Talalay shoots the TARDIS.
I thought Maisie Williams was really good, and I'm impressed at how her character was subtly different every time we saw her.

But what I like best is that it actually gave Clara a decent ending, probably the best one a new series companion has - especially as it highlighted the creepy consent issues that Donna's exit had.

Well, I liked it on the whole. I liked the ending for with Clara and Ashildir in a TARDIS as immortals (yeah Clara has to die but like she said there's no hurry) being hot together.

I didn't like the Hybrid thing as much as you (Tomtrek) because I think they could have done a much better job of showing how the Doctor and Clara together would be destructive to the universe. I mean you could say it's because of the Doctor trying to save her even when it risks destroying the universe but it's not like he hasn't done things like this before. Like in the Wedding of River Song which actually did show things going wonky when the course of events was changed (though I liked this episode more than that one.)

Was mildly disappointing that the Me who lives to the END OF THE TIME still looks exactly the same. I mean surely there would have been other medical advances before the end of the time. I didn't want her to be a head in a jar or anything but they could have at least given her metal trousers or something. Maisie was great though (and hot.)

But I did get goodbye scene fatigue. I think part of that can be blame on Fear The Raven which already had a pretty long goodbye scene with the Clara and the Doctor. Looking back, I think maybe it would have been better if her death there had been sudden and brutal? Then they could have put all the "I have to die" stuff here instead of it feeling like it was being repeated.

Maester Luwin was good as the old Time Lord bastard and I guess he could come back.
I really liked it. I'm glad they gave Clara a proper send off, and that she gets to travel around with Me in a Tardis for as long as they want.
If Me lived for the entire lenght of the universe, she's probably already had lots of lesbian sex. But possibly not in a space diner. It's something to consider.
There are too many candidates for the Doctors mother, the woman in the barn, the sister of Khan, or the one RTD intended her to be, the old woman who spoke to Wilf, and who just seeing her made the Doctor angry enough to kill.

Or maybe none of them are, if he is half human its probably on his mothers side.
Yeah, much better send off for Clara that the previous one, though it does make that 15 minute death scene even more redundant that it already was. Not sure if I hope we see her again or that they leave it on that note... Yeah, they'll probably have her back. At least when this Doctor dies, if nothing else.

Very nice looking episode, too. Gallifrey and its paraphernalia always looks cool, as did the end of time and even the familiar TARDIS.