Troll Kingdom

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Then I had to find a place to dock the boat and it was difficult to navigate and navigate by myself and their were bigger boats in the way. I found a spot temporarily. Then these official people wanted my statement about everything that happened, they seemed satisfied, I hoped they wouldn't find out I didn't have a 2nd mate.
Then the captain of the other ship came in to the room after they left and somehow me saying his name scared him and I asked him where to dock the boat and where I was was just fine.

Next dream-
I was having a threesome with some friends of mine. It was hot and sexy.
Then later-it was like days had passed
we were in the same room again
but we were just going to nap
they were cuddling
and somehow I was sort of cuddling him lower on his body and he was naked
then they started getting frisky, he got excited and I couldn't help but put his cock in my mouth
but then I realized it wasn't consensual yet so I had to stop and I just tried to pretend like I was asleep
then she wanted me to go
and I was fine with that
then other people entered the room, and one had my same name, and she sat down on the bed, then I got upset because she didn't ask permission so then I got back on the bed
which didn't make much sense
and then I am sure I either left the room or woke up
I was training on a ship
And then we had enemies
So I had to take a smaller boat out on my own
Then I had to fire at the enemies, but when I did it was an airplane and it was like I was in an airplane too. The middle got them, then I fired quick bursts for good measure.
Then we were back on the boats and the enemies were swimming only they weren't enemies suddenly and we were glad to rescue them

I got to work today and found out that the larger boat will be running today in place of the big boat.
That is so weird that I dreamt about the boats last night.
Oh. Remembered a snippet from the end of a couple nights ago. I had to get in a gunfight with some people. At my parents' old house. So obviously I had to go in the bathroom to put on cowboy clothes. But as I'm doing this I'm realizing the people I have to fight are upstairs and start worrying that they'll realize I'm in the bathroom and just shoot me through the floor/ceiling.

On waking and considering the floorplan I don't think it would be possible to be above the bathroom on the 2nd floor. You'd have to go out on the roof.
This one is wild
some of it has elements of recurring dreams, much of it was new.

I was inside a mall or a small store, there was a large window, we were watching the wildlife. Suddenly a couple of bears appeared, which seemed normal. There was a herd of cows on the hillside. But then the bears were just loafing in the water. BUT THEN ALL HELL BREAKS LOOSE AND THE FUCKING WORLD IS ENDING
Animals, predators appear and just start going crazy.
I run.
I find a room to hide in-its some chicks office, only they haven't seen all the wild animals yet. Finally they do.
And then at some point everything calms down and its the aftermath
but one creature remains and I run to a bathroom and lock myself inside
and the creatures hand is trying to get in, the lock is sort of broken. I start hitting the hand and then it is gone
I open up the door and a bunch of people are standing out there in a line-retail line as if nothing just happened
then I go over to this booth and just sit down
and someone mentions video game
and I ask, "Was it real?"
And then a girl motions me over to the sweets and I sit down and eat something sweet and cry a little
and then I see my boss and she shakes her head-as if people died and I cry
and then I am with a group of people
and then they say "There's your mom" and then I ask about my sisters and I wake up.

There was something before the zoo/mall scene happened and I can't remember what it was.
Parts are recurring

I am try to get away
I am some kind of criminal
I would say dog since I watched that movie.....
I enter a building and maybe I am carrying my vehicle I'm not sure
Then I go to a meeting
But before this lots of things happened
Maybe my dream is someone else's reality
I was in the flat( naturally) I was in the bathroom and the taps just burst off, water going everywhere, I tried to turn off the stopcock and that broke off and started gushing water too, then the bath taps did the same, after that I heard a siren, and I looked out of the window to see a tornado heading straight for us.

The storm twisted the flat around so I could see what would normally be behind us, then it went back again, I said to my wife we should get out, but she wouldn't as she was making a cake for her friend.

Somehow I was suddenly outside, another tornado came and I had to hold onto a gate to not be blown away, this time the flats came down, and I ran towards the rubble to look for my wife but woke before I got there.

Took me a long time to get back to sleep.
Very random last night, was with Adam Savage as he was trying to make a dome out of concrete, sand and moss.

Then we changed locations to Washington, and Trump told us we better make a good dome because America should have the best domes.

At this point I went off with Aubrey Plaza and we got real frisky, but straight after someone blew her up and I had to get her cloned.

But then the clone refused to believe that she fancied me.
I used to get Exploding Head Syndrome, it would happen when I was about to fall asleep sometimes (or maybe I was already asleep and it just woke me up.) It would sound like voices sometimes which could be disturbing. It hasn't happened to me for a few years now. I thought it might have been caused by anxiety when it did happen, but I've been as anxious as ever lately so I don't know.

This happened 4X in a row last night.

There is another thing- it is called catathrenia. It's when the person makes a loud sound, and somehow it is different than snoring.
I have been having dreams lately. But they're wild and involved and either so disjointed that I can't piece them together or remember them in the morning or so involved that I don't feel like typing everything out. I seem to be getting at least one military themed segment every night. Often a family related one. At any rate last night I did have a snippet that popped back into my head and is short enough to relate:

I was at some kind of Star Trek cosplay pageant (or everyone else was actually Star Trek characters and I was cosplay-ing, I dunno) and we all had to line up according to our time period for a sort of parade, based on what uniforms and equipment we had. I really wanted to be with the TOS series/movies people but I had some non-canon costume that really fit in more maybe pre-"The Cage"--but after "Enterprise." But my weapons were maybe the 1990s Playmates TOS toys. There was one person from that era and my costume didn't match but they put me there. Then the other person who was supposed to be in that part of the parade showed up and they didn't really know where to put me. Meanwhile someone had borrowed my phaser and it was all beat up and the spring for the trigger had failed.

I only remembered this because my phaser and communicator are on the shelf in front of the TV and I happened to notice them this morning and think "huh, the trigger looks fine."
I don't remember all of it, but Nazis were making me play games against people they would then shoot squid game style. Woke up early, didn't want to go back to sleep.
There were old airplanes and a field, possibly a war or perhaps after a war.

No loud sound wake up thankfully
I was at an airport, for some reason there was a play going on with Tom Cruise and Steven Spielberg. Noone believed it was really Tom Cruise.

I didnt have tickets, boarding passes or my passport, but they let me on the plane anyway.

The plane just taxied for a bit, then we were back in the airport, where we all had to get injections.
Sister Wives
That is what I am calling this nightmare I just had. OMG. I am so glad I woke up.
In my dream I was married to a man who was very conservative, but also he was looking for a 2nd younger wife and we were all sleeping in the same room. I don't even know if I could describe it.

We were getting ready for bed, and he would make her get naked, but then since I was there he offered her a fucking crocheted doily to sleep on-? wtf? It was so weird. And I knew how to play the game-he didn't want me naked-because I was older-but I knew to find something nice to wear-and it pleased him.
Then he had to go into the other room-this gal was going to sleep at the foot of our bed-and I told her I had another comforter she could use-and then I started looking over my things and I noticed he had cleaned and moved a bunch of stuff around in my room. Instead of getting mad I knew I had to thank him when he returned.
There was some serious mind games going on-like just in the 1 scene in my head I knew so much about what was going on but I have no idea why I was there and not escaping from this guy.
Woke up from a nightmare that I was being ambushed.
All I could get out was the word,"Please"
And that is what woke me up as I said that out loud.
Odd long one last night. I seem to have gotten over my lingering cold so I could catch a new cold. That, having to get up to go to the bathroom, having to get up to let The Dog go to the bathroom, and sharing a double bed with a 71# dog and a 16# cat at varying times in the night may have impacted the quality of my sleep.

Anyway, the premise was that I was at some kind of state or county fair and there had been a disagreement between some random group of rednecks and my friends that had to be settled by combat to the death. Only people originally from Minnesota and Wisconsin were allowed in "my" group and I saw that 2 of my friends from 5th grade on were up there (the offended parties were gathered up onto a kind of stage). Neither is particularly violent, athletic, or versed in combat but they were up there and made eye contact with me so I went and joined them onstage.

Then the rest of the dream was leading up to it. We were all in some common area that ranged in feel from a pool hall to a conference room and I was trying to negotiate a non-violent solution with the other side. For the first part, some of their little kids were talking with us and I was trying to make them see no matter the outcome, it would be bad for them. Later I was trying to figure out if some kind of apology or agreement could work, then trying to get things down to something more violent. Going over the rules with a couple of the bigger, more thuggish rednecks, they explained it was "to the death" and any "natural weapons" were allowed, producing a kind of nasty (pocket-sized) mace-like thing. Turns out most of the rednecks had some kind of deadly melee weapon while pretty much no one on my side was armed. So at that point I feign happiness and say "Oh! So I can use my Walther?" And the redneck is appalled because it is not "natural" or fair. And I think pretty much nothing about the thing is fair and say "how is it not natural? It makes neat little holes in people I want dead." (I did not actually have my Walther on me of course so I was bluffing but they seemed to buy it.)

By this point I'd pretty much run out of things for this dream, short of the actual fight so the next time I woke up I went on to some other short mundane dream I don't remember.
I was on holiday, I got off the lift on the wrong floor, so I got back in, as the lift went higher I realised that was the right floor after all, as the lift got to the 64th floor I wondered how many floors the hotel had, but by that point the lift was in the sky, propelled by small jet engines. It landed a long way from the hotel, and I started the long walk back to it.
There was a pleasant person in my dream.
A crush you could say.
I believe it came from watching Solos" on prime