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My friend from the internet (not anyone from here) came to visit me. We were in my childhood bedroom but it was also a classroom from my highshool and the bedroom part was only in the corner. Other people were there, cooking and laughing. And my friend was Amanda Seyfried in the dream. I asked him if he'd always been Amanda Seyfried and he said he didn't know how to tell me. The dream kind of fell apart as I kept trying to work out how it made sense that he could have been Amanda Seyfried all along.
My mom was in my dream last night. She said I have a fever. I did not feel well yesterday, but haven't detected that I have a fever.
Also in my dream were animals and a cool tree creature.
I have been having dreams. But they've been too convoluted and fragmented to remember well. And even if I did remember them, they'd be too hard to explain. For example, a few days back I had a dream that a building was being attacked. Or maybe it was a ship, because I was on a ship that was firing torpedoes at it. Although I think I was on the side of the building/ship being attacked. At any rate, because it had been built to hold grain the reinforced concrete walls were impervious to the torpedoes/shells the ship was firing, so they had to aim for the windows. Except there were swimmers in the water defending the windows that were at the waterline like goalies. And then it was hard to make any effective hits against the granary building because it was in the center of a hollow/depression and the guns were on the hills around so they couldn't get a low enough angle to make any effective hits. One second we're at sea at night and the next we're on land during the day. And the structure that was being attacked looked the same in both cases.
I'm glad I woke up from my last dream to tho I can't remember it very much, there was a kid, a cat, a snowstorm, oh wait that's my life, it's real. I don't know what to believe anymore
Fairly conventional narrative dream this morning, so I actually remembered it. I was the Lone Ranger. Only now, in modern times. At one point IRL, decades ago, I started to put together a Lone Ranger cosplay. The stumbling block is the guns. Even if you were to find a nice Colt Peacemaker for around $500, you need two of them. And the holster rig is around another $500. So you're looking at $1,500 just for the guns. Then there's the horse. So in the dream I basically put on my cosplay stuff and happened to have the guns and since it was a dream everything looked perfect. I had to stop some Bad Guys in a big space--like a train depot or airport terminal. It was actually a bit like a huge old expensive bar-restaurant but impractically large for a restaurant, so figure maybe one of those early 20th century Grand Central Station depots. Anyway I obviously need Silver so I whistle for him and he shows up, albeit without the saddle. My brain must not have been up for rendering an actual horse because he was just an animated drawing. And even that must've been too much because pretty soon I decided he was impractical for the space we were in so I let him go and decided to walk. Almost immediately I decided this was stupid and regretted letting the horse go but there was nothing for it but to walk.
I've been thinking about smoking for a while now and I was really thinking about it last night and it made its way into my dreams.

I was staying at a rich lady's house, or maybe I was working there, I can't remember. She left with her gal pals to go somewhere so I went out to the concrete back porch to smoke, but there she was and internally I freaked out for a moment but then I remembered that we used to smoke together anyway, so I didn't freak out externally. Besides, she didn't care-she had so many things going on-it was the least of things she cared about.
But I asked her what she was doing there-"I thought you went with so and so to do such and such" and then she told me what was going on and where they were going next. In my dream I could see her go into the next store or spa treatment or wherever they were going-but she would come back every 20 minutes to have a cigarette.
Dreamed I went to some kind of fetish sex club but it didn't actually suck. Met some girl I'd known who was nekkid. Her plans hadn't worked out for the night and so she wanted to have sex with me (she should've had a big back tattoo and didn't so my subconscious doesn't do very good continuity control). I was up for it but first I had to go meet my old friend from college. I don't think he's particularly kinky but we went to enough strip clubs that he makes sense in this dream. We met some other people and then he headed off to get drinks. I made small talk and the club was filling up. Eventually I decided my friend wasn't coming back and headed back to find the girl. Ran into my friend in a doorway between two bars. Him and a bunch of other guys were watching a girl get screwed. I was just about back to where the nekkid girl was when I woke up (of course).
Another Aubrey Plaza sex dream, but set in the parks and rec universe, and a lizard kept trying to bite me on the bum, we had to run to a different room and shut the door to get away from it.

I don't know why I only had a shirt on before the sex stuff, but I guess it's just a dream trope to either be naked or semi naked, makes you for vulnerable.
Very clear, cohesive, and organized dream last night. I may have forgot some bits of it but we'll see. It was basically the "being a part of a team" dream, only it wasn't military or academia. I'd gone back to working supermarket resets. That's the people you see in there overnight, reorganizing stuff on the shelves to try to get people to buy more toothpaste. You ask them where the toilet paper is and they say they don't know because they don't work there. I did it for a few years when my dream job fell through.

So anyway I'm back and I show up at the store we're supposed to be at but no one is there. Somehow I have a schematic so I get started. Eventually the rest of the team shows up. (A "team" is actually people who work for different marketing companies--you get a certain number of people from each company based on the product mix in your store.) The team lead was a big fat guy that it eventually became clear a lot of people didn't like. Some girl on the team had some kind of incident and was supposed to go to, like, a counseling facility or something. Later she was still there and said the boss had told her she couldn't leave so then there was a big furball over that. At some point the boss came over to ask what I was doing and why I was doing it wrong. There was apparently a second team there that night who were working on some other project and I'd wound up with one of their schematics. And/or I was supposed to be setting up some point of sale display that I didn't know about so instead of setting up the display I was taking everything to the shelves they belonged on regularly in the store (you know, like how they'll have a s'mores display with marshmallows, chocolate bars, and graham crackers near the checkouts in the summer but they're also in the candy, baking, and snacks aisles).

I got all pissed off and defensive and pointed out it was my first day back and I was there on time and no one else was so I was just doing the best I could. It got straightened out and I went to help wash and set up produce (this was the biggest hole in the dream--produce is basically a commodity, reset people work with branded packaged goods). At some point I had to go out on the loading dock and the police were at a house across the street because someone was dead there. When I came back in I mentioned it to someone and about that time someone else said we'd gotten a call and we were supposed to stop what we were doing and leave. There was some dilly-dallying after that and I woke up.
Dream that transitioned into another dream. Not a lot of detail this time. I'm driving my previous car and away from where I grew up. Car gets stolen. So I'm home, visiting my childhood friend and driving my current car and it immediately gets stolen. When I get back to the other place I realize I still haven't called the cops and someone I'm with is being negative on the chance I'll get it back but it was an old car when I got the current car and the current car is an old car now so I argue that there can't be that much demand for it but the people I'm with counter that the parts will be worth more because they're so much harder to get now. Pretty soon I realize that neither of my cars have been stolen and I must have dreamed it. (Was I dreaming that I realized I dreamed it or did I wake up enough to have the realization? I don't know.)

Next I'm in my old undergrad town with my current car. It's cold as fuck and there are potholes everywhere. I realize I've got some time so I should go check out the town and see how it's changed. I accidentally cut off a bus at the roundabout in front of the student union while leaving. At some point I was also eating on a patio that may have been the Burger King near the school. The table was cool in that you didn't have to get out of your car seat to eat there--but you weren't in your car. When it was time to leave there was an ignition under the table (actually two--one oriented like on the dash like a really old car and one on the side of a table support (it's one of those metal fast food tables with big pipes supporting the table and seats) like a modern car). For a second I'm worried because my car's a manual but yes, they do have a clutch pedal on the floor so I'm able to start my car. Then I'm wondering about the key. Obviously I can't drive away and leave it in the table but will a modern car keep running if you take the key out? (You could actually take the key out after starting my '63 Grand Prix that I briefly owned when I was in college.) I try it and the engine doesn't kill so I'm able to drive away (now in my car). As I type this, I think it was before leaving to check out the town.
Another driving dream
Driving around the city or riding with someone else
We get to this house to drop someone off and my friend wants to stay and have dinner and I don't. I don't even want to be social (which is odd. It's usually opposite)
So she stays and eats and I sit in a side room
Then there is this guy taking pics of his gf but he keeps looking at me.
And I think maybe he will get some nice pics of me too.
Earlier I was hanging with a guy and we kissed
And then he stopped, we hung out for a while AND then his gf comes to pic him up, then I remember that he is a player.

Dream night part 3
In the city, things are cool
And then a guy does somethingvto a kid and then a mob goes after him ( I think he stole or misled her I can't remember)
But this mob beats him up and his gf- she was in on it too.
They let her cat go, it was in a carrier
And a dog gets to the cat and kills it. Everyone cheers,vI was kind of pissed and sad about that. Unnecessary.

Sort of strange dreams for me and even stranger to remember them
Another "around people" dream(s). Traveling with my Mom and brother. Mom has her own hotel room. My brother and I are laying around watching TV until bedtime, at which point there's 3 or 4 other people crashed on couches etc in the room. Apparently the hotel was full so these people got put in our room. We turn the lights out and my brother turns on a TV for background noise to sleep to (he may actually do this IRL, I dunno) which, of course annoys the rest of us. In an effort to make amends I consider giving up my full-sized bed, at which point I realize there's another full-sized bed in the corner that the other people aren't using for whatever reason so I go to that bed. At this point my brother is gone so I can turn the TV off--but I can't figure out how to turn it off. I finally figure it out and go to my new bed. The other people are having some kind of quiet discussion. Suddenly at least one of them is a hot girl who has a crush on me and is planning to sneak over to my bed. I somehow know this and am trying to act oblivious. I also need to take my boots off (because for some reason now I'm suddenly wearing at least 1 combat boot). This takes forever--or at least long enough to wake up from that dream.

Then I'm supposed to be meeting my Mom and brother at some outdoor cafe. I get a table on a sort of balcony and then I see them sit down at a table out on the patio. My Mom (who is now a Barbie-looking MILF) has a bunch of paperwork she's already spread out so I decide to just come to them. Only there's like, 3 other tables between me and the exit from the balcony. It's only a few feet off the ground so I decide to just go over the railing. But the railing is really sketchy so it is touch and go to not rip it loose. At this point I somehow get caught up in a crowd and wind up in the dugout of the San Diego Padres (including the monk-looking mascot), it's raining like a bastard and I know I'm not supposed to be down on the field so I make my apologies and escape as quickly and discreetly as possible.
Something was happening at either the North or South pole, I went to a US based, and the russian base was just behind a barbed wire fence with the shades pulled down, I wasn't there long and went to get a helicopter back, but I slipped on the ice and nearly fell through the fence.
A short, atypical dream: Trump and Biden are doing some kind of transition and they're supposed to exchange some items--they're like keys or documents or something; commemorative gold coins, whatever--and they're both blowing each other off. It's like "I've got it here but it needs a special case and I don't have any here so I'm going to have to keep it for now."