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How did you vote Number_6?

Kiss ya..On the cheek pervy. ;)

And AMEN! To everything you just said. The commercial they had running about the parental notification prop. used to just boil my blood! I must have signed four consent forms so that my niece could get her teeth cleaned but if she wants to undergo a potentially life threatening procedure well I don't need to know anything about that, is that what I'm to believe? What irritates me most is that people act like a girls goes into an abortion clinic on her lunch break and goes back to school when the abortion is over. It's a horrific procedure followed by medications and bed rest. So parents are supposed to pay for the medication and make excuses for the missed school but they can't even know what's going on? What crap!! I'm with you Cait, I hate California politics.

Oh and there's nothing wrong with the middle, you'd be surprised at how close I am to it. ;)
Laker_Girl said:
Oh and there's nothing wrong with the middle, you'd be surprised at how close I am to it. ;)

As I always suspected. ;)

I love you girl, I really do, and I am proud to know you. What you're doing with your brother's children is something I admire so much. Not that it isn't what everyone should do under the same circumstance, but how many people DO do it. You're special, and I know it.
^Ah, I feel the same about you. I'm never impressed with people online but you have always impressed me. You're genuine and kind and it's so obvious even on a silly site like TK. I really admire your intelligence and warmness, your wit and your candor. You're a very special person yourself and I really look forward to meeting you in person one day.

Thank you so much for the compliments. Helping to raise my brother's children becomes more and more thankless every day but with such support and heart warming compliments like yours it makes the job so much easier.
^Oh and about your view that women over 20 are too old...Good thing you've got money because you've absolutely no charm or wit and you look like you're in your late 40's, Pops.

WordInterrupted said:
You needn't be afraid to answer my question, Cait. I won't bitchslap you that hard if you make a stupid argument.

LOL, as full of yourself as ever I see.

FYI, just because you ask a question, does not mean I am interested in answering.

FYI, even if I were interested and did make a stupid argument, my world would not crumble. I make silly argments sometimes, AND sometimes I make stellar ones. meh-- if you think that is a character flaw.

FYI, I'm not afraid of being slapped [and everyone knows that you silly man]. ;)
75, yes, we have to exercise some control over the California Mafia (a.k.a. the California Teacher's Union)

Actually, it was more of a big "fuck you" to police offficer and firefighter unions. Back about six or so months ago, he tried to do one of these "special" elections to make their "defined benifit" retirement and death plans illegal.

Basically, how it works now is that each current employee puts in some cash into the fund, and the city government puts in an equal amount. Current retirees pull their "retirement pay" out of that fund, but its replenished by the new contributions. The city/government manages the fund, to make sure that there is no funny business. (Though, that sometimes doesn't work, witness what happened in San Diego, they pulled funds out of their firefighter/police officer retirement plan to pay for a bunch of shit, and now they are in deep water because of it)

Well, good old Arnie wanted to make it illegal for a government entity to pay into such a plan. While current retirees would be ok, people who retire 15-20 years down the road would be screwed, because the outtake would be more than the incoming cash flow. He also wanted to make direct cash payouts to officers and firemen killed in the line of duty illegal.

Well, the firefighter and police officer unions didn't like that too much, so they waged a public smear campain (along with the teacher and nurses unions) to get him to back off. Knowing that these unions fucked up his original plan, he wanted to make it harder for them to gather funds so when he tried to re-introduce the plan, there would be less opposition.

Though, truth be told, I don't think Prop 75 would have necessarly done that. Most police officer and firefighter unions are well organized, and could have still waged a tough fight, even with the new restrictions. And most other unions would have just made it another forum to sign when you join up - a wavier saying that you agree that the union will use the funds you give them how they see fit or some such.
BTW, I voted "no" on everything just on general principal. There wasn't anything on that ballot that warranted wasting $80 million in taxpayer funds for a "special" election. Every single prop could have waited till the next general election to be voted on, saving that money for other more worthwhile causes.
RobL said:
BTW, I voted "no" on everything just on general principal. There wasn't anything on that ballot that warranted wasting $80 million in taxpayer funds for a "special" election. Every single prop could have waited till the next general election to be voted on, saving that money for other more worthwhile causes.

Oh on this I totaly agree. There was no reason for it to be a special election. A waste of taxpayer money.
FYI, just because you ask a question, does not mean I am interested in answering.

I think it's a very good question. If we think that California politics is screwed up, then shouldn't we be asking why it's screwed up? How are we going to fix things if we don't know what the problem is?

FYI, I'm not afraid of being slapped [and everyone knows that you silly man].

Get off of me, you desperate old skank!
WordInterrupted said:
I think it's a very good question. If we think that California politics is screwed up, then shouldn't we be asking why it's screwed up? How are we going to fix things if we don't know what the problem is?

Yes, it should. I just don't want to discuss it with you.

Get off of me, you desperate old skank!

LOL, you are pathetic. You know that right?
WordInterrupted said:
I think it's a very good question. If we think that California politics is screwed up, then shouldn't we be asking why it's screwed up? How are we going to fix things if we don't know what the problem is?

The problem with california is that we have fucked up politicians that waste $80 million in bullshit elections that could have waited for the next general election.
Actually, it was more of a big "fuck you" to police offficer and firefighter unions.

Exactly. If he were serious about getting money out of politics, he would ban both unions and corporations from making political contributions.
^ Prop 75 wasn't even (solely) a ban on contributions. It prohibited using any kind of money for anything, without the union member's permission. That includes public ads, fliers, sponsoring debates, and what not. It basically (in theroy) silenced one side totally.
Yes, it should. I just don't want to discuss it with you.

Cause I'd give you a good beating, as per usual. You'll bleat about how wrong liberals are to airheads like L_G, but when a real hardassed liberal comes into the thread, you run and hide under the tablecloth.

LOL, you are pathetic. You know that right?

Pathetic? My dear, you get your jollies by asking strangers to "slap" you over the internet. That's what we call pathetic.
WordInterrupted said:
Cause I'd give you a good beating, as per usual. You'll bleat about how wrong liberals are to airheads like L_G, but when a real hardassed liberal comes into the thread, you run and hide under the tablecloth.

You'll have to refresh my memory, since when do you give me [or anyone else around here] a good beating per usual.

Have you gone off your meds again?

Pathetic? My dear, you get your jollies by asking strangers to "slap" you over the internet. That's what we call pathetic.

LOL, the fact that you think you know anything about how I get my jollies is a good enough laugh for me this evening.

The fact that you formed an opinion about 'how I get my jollies' is even more amusing.

That fact that you've got an attitude and a 'hard on' about that ill-advised opinion, is hysterical.

Wordin, grow up. Your middle class, bourgeois ethics are screaming from behind your, softer than I realized, liberal ass. I really hadn't realized you were a prude, and you want me to be one too. I think the Christian Right is calling your name.
RobL said:
The problem with california is that we have fucked up politicians that waste $80 million in bullshit elections that could have waited for the next general election.

God love you Rob but this special election is hardly what's wrong with California. What's wrong with California is the California Mafia (a.k.a. the Teacher's Union) and idiots that think some desk jockey at the CHP deserves to make 80% of what he made when he retires at 55. That's crap, there are ways around working out widow benefits, etc. Liberals in CA have lost there damn minds (WordIn's constant idiocy being a prime example) and now Governor Schwarzenegger is the Governor of the Titanic. Why do you think CA is bankrupt? 'Cause we're not paying enough in taxes? Why do you think small businesses are fleeing California like roaches when the lights are turned on? 'Cause the state laws and benefits are geared towards making it easy to do business here?

Think on that a while and get back to me.
WordInterrupted said:
Cause I'd give you a good beating, as per usual. You'll bleat about how wrong liberals are to airheads like L_G, but when a real hardassed liberal comes into the thread, you run and hide under the tablecloth.

Name calling, how mature of you. Thank you for never letting us forget that you are indeed a Democrat.