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How did you vote Number_6?

I've just come to the conclusion that women scare Wordin. He talks a good game about being raised by strong women, etc, but that's just made him into a little nancy-boy who wouldn't know what to do with Cait if she did go slumming and climb on him.
I bet the first time a girl tried to kiss Wordin he recoiled and said, "My dear, do you know how many germs are present in the human mouth? I'll thank you to not try and kiss me again!"
Hey Wordy take a guess at why Nissan just moved their plant from Gardena to Nashville, TN. Thirteen hundred people will be losing their job because yes, you guessed it IT'S TOO EXPENSIVE TO DO BUSINESS IN CALIFORNIA! Hell no, we don't need no stinkin' reform. :roll:
Laker_Girl said:
God love you Rob but this special election is hardly what's wrong with California. What's wrong with California is the California Mafia (a.k.a. the Teacher's Union) and idiots that think some desk jockey at the CHP deserves to make 80% of what he made when he retires at 55. That's crap, there are ways around working out widow benefits, etc. Liberals in CA have lost there damn minds (WordIn's constant idiocy being a prime example) and now Governor Schwarzenegger is the Governor of the Titanic. Why do you think CA is bankrupt? 'Cause we're not paying enough in taxes? Why do you think small businesses are fleeing California like roaches when the lights are turned on? 'Cause the state laws and benefits are geared towards making it easy to do business here?

Think on that a while and get back to me.

Nice to see you think highly of the first responders who go out there and risk their lives on a daily basis for our protection.

I'm just hoping that if you are ever in an accident and you need a CHP officer, there is one there for you, and they haven't all quit because they can't get a pension after 30 long years of being denigrated by the media, working in sub-standard working enviroments, dealing with assholes all day, every day, and having the risk of death on you every moment you work. And if that isn't enough, if they do die, then their famliy is out in the cold, with not even enough to pay the heating bills.

The problem with California isn't the pension funds. The problem is politicians that waste money on bullshit programs and pet projects that in reality don't deserve the time of day, but because they are getting paid for their vote, they go through with it.
RobL said:
The problem with California isn't the pension funds. The problem is politicians that waste money on bullshit programs and pet projects that in reality don't deserve the time of day, but because they are getting paid for their vote, they go through with it.

OMG!!! Don't make me like you even more!!!!!! This is exactly the problem with California.
California is fucked. I just hope my parents decide to sell their house before the real estate bubble bursts.

Not that they'll ever lose money on it, since they bought in 1971, but still.

Nuking the Bay Area would solve a lot of the state's problems, IMHO.
Wordin, grow up. Your middle class, bourgeois ethics are screaming from behind your, softer than I realized, liberal ass.

You need to read more carefully my dear. I'm not saying there's anything wrong with sex, I'm saying that it's pathetic that you can only get it over the internet.

As for what's wrong with California, it's not evil politicians, it's initiative voters like Cait and L_G. Our current political problems in California are a direct result of initiatives that at once constrain lawmakers from raising revenue by imposing supermajorities to pass budjets, and at the same time mandate spending on education and other programs. If you prevent the legislature from raising money and from cutting expenditures, you're going to have a fiscal crisis. The way to solve the situation is to repeal mandatory spending, repeal supermajorities for raising taxes, and let legislators do their jobs. The absolute worst way to respond would be to pass something like prop 76, which would screw up the democratic process even further.
I've just come to the conclusion that women scare Wordin.

My dear, you ought not project your own insecurities onto other people. I know you had to marry a mail order bride because you're afraid of women who aren't completely submissive, but most people aren't like you. It's sort of sad, really. I suspect you're afraid of women because you don't have a father. Being around your mother all the time must have sissified you.

Name calling, how mature of you.

Oh cry me a river! You call people names all the time. If you can't take it, don't dish it out.

Nuking the Bay Area would solve a lot of the state's problems, IMHO.

It would also destroy the headquarters of every leading tech company except Microsoft. You can bash the Bay Area all you want, but by buying and using computers you've made the Bay Area filthy rich. Thanks!
I've come into this thread twice in the last half hour, because the main page indicates there are new replies in here, but I don't see them. What's up with that?
It's ok, my dear, I understand why you need to ignore me. It can really hurt to lose arguments as badly as you've lost them to me. If you don't like getting burned, your best strategy is to just avoid me.
RobL said:
Nice to see you think highly of the first responders who go out there and risk their lives on a daily basis for our protection.

I'm just hoping that if you are ever in an accident and you need a CHP officer, there is one there for you, and they haven't all quit because they can't get a pension after 30 long years of being denigrated by the media, working in sub-standard working enviroments, dealing with assholes all day, every day, and having the risk of death on you every moment you work. And if that isn't enough, if they do die, then their famliy is out in the cold, with not even enough to pay the heating bills.

The problem with California isn't the pension funds. The problem is politicians that waste money on bullshit programs and pet projects that in reality don't deserve the time of day, but because they are getting paid for their vote, they go through with it.

^It's clear you were educated recently in a California public school as you don't know how to read. I said DESK JOCKEY. Pay attention or leave, those are your two options.

That's one.

Two, I don't know how many police officers and CHP officers you know but when I was a hairstylist my clientel consisted of mostly CHP, sheriff's deputies, paramedics, and city police officers not to mention that my ex-boyfriend was a city firefighter, my ex-roommate was a state firefighter. They're not hurting, not in the least and choosing (choosing being the key word here) to put your life at risk is a decision you made not me and I'm tired of paying for it. It's a noble profession but not one worthy of that kind of money. I'm sure next you're going to say, "Well if we don't blah-biddy-blah no one will want to be a firefighter, police officer, etc.!" But that's a load of crap, let's be honest for half a second, police officers, like soldiers, do it because they love that bravado shit.

The only complaints I ever heard were from paramedics and in my city, paramedic transport is privately owned and the paramedics are paid by the company they work for not the city.
The real crime in California is the prison gaurd contract. Davis was so deep in the pocket of the prison gaurd union that he gave them everything they wanted, including strong protection against any kind of disciplinary action.

The long run solution to this problem is campaign finance reform. If the governor had really wanted to reform California politics, he would have fielded a proposition banning all union and business contributions to political campaigns, and curtailed the activities of political action committees.
Laker_Girl said:
^It's clear you were educated recently in a California public school as you don't know how to read. I said DESK JOCKEY. Pay attention or leave, those are your two options.

Yeah. And fuck you, too.

In order to become a "desk jockey" as you put it, you must first do your time IN THE FIELD. (unless your a LA county Sheriff's deputy, and you have to do your time in the Jails, but that's besides the point)

Using your argument, if one loves that bravado shit, then they DON'T WANT TO DO THAT TIME BEHIND THE DESK. They want to be out there "hooking and booking." However, in order to promote, they must get that "admin experience" to prove that they can do that kind of shit. As such, most officers don't want to be "desk jockeys." If they did, they would work for Wells Fargo or some shit.

As such, Desk duty is, for most officers a transitory job - something they do to promote, and not long lasting in nature.

Two, I don't know how many police officers and CHP officers you know

I bet I fucking know a lot more then you do

but when I was a hairstylist

That pretty much explains a lot there. The only people I know who are hairstylists are former cheerleader/prom queens that have become such fucking loosers that they can't do much else then cut hair. Or are flamers.

They're not hurting,

Yeah, they can afford that apartment or condo, but they can't afford to buy houses, at least not without racking up huge debt. They can't buy stuff, not without racking up huge debt. They can't live life, without racking up huge debt.

Oh, yeah, and you know what one of the leading causes of police officer deaths is? Not being killed in the line of duty, but suicide. They can't keep up with the debt, and something happens (injured, suspended, can't get enough overtime) and they end up blowing their fucking heads off because they feel like they don't have another option.

Of course, your a self absorbed bitch, who thinks nothing about anyone other than herself. Who drives drunk, taking other person's lives in jepardy because of your selfish nature.

People like you make me re-think being conservative.
RobL said:
Yeah. And fuck you, too.

:smooch: Another bitch to add to my collection. I shall put you next to Imperium.

In order to become a "desk jockey" as you put it, you must first do your time IN THE FIELD. (unless your a LA county Sheriff's deputy, and you have to do your time in the Jails, but that's besides the point)

Untrue, don't bother contradicting me, if you test to be a CHP officer and choose to sit behind a desk and they have a position open, you aren't ever going to be asked to go out into the field. By the way Einstein CHP officers do not work in jails, sheriff's deputies do, as most jails and prisons are run by the county and state. Also, in the state of California if you train to be a sheriff's deputy you almost always end up working in the jails and prisons first, that's life and I don't pity them.

Using your argument, if one loves that bravado shit, then they DON'T WANT TO DO THAT TIME BEHIND THE DESK. They want to be out there "hooking and booking." However, in order to promote, they must get that "admin experience" to prove that they can do that kind of shit. As such, most officers don't want to be "desk jockeys." If they did, they would work for Wells Fargo or some shit.

Who said anyone wanted to sit behind a desk? I said they can and do. Say an officer is injured and can no longer perform the duties of a street cop or sheriff's deputy, most of the time they're offered a position behind a desk. If they have :menty: a bad hang nail they should get and 80% pension for the rest of their lives? I think not.

As such, Desk duty is, for most officers a transitory job - something they do to promote, and not long lasting in nature.

And for others it's a permanent position see my above post.

I bet I fucking know a lot more then you do

And why is that? You're a groupie that couldn't cut it?

That pretty much explains a lot there. The only people I know who are hairstylists are former cheerleader/prom queens that have become such fucking loosers that they can't do much else then cut hair. Or are flamers.

And yet I can spell "loser" correctly. Don't bother telling me it was a typo, you're not a genius son, sounds like according to you being a hairstylist is right up your 50 I.Q. alley. I'm not a stylist anymore because I found that my superior intellect was wasted talking to LOSERS like you.

Yeah, they can afford that apartment or condo, but they can't afford to buy houses, at least not without racking up huge debt. They can't buy stuff, not without racking up huge debt. They can't live life, without racking up huge debt.

Boo. Hoo. Hoo. Life's a bitch, you don't like what you're being paid by the state of California, move. And I have yet to meet a police officer, firefighter, or sheriff's deputy that doesn't own a house, a nice one at that and I know a lot of them.

Oh, yeah, and you know what one of the leading causes of police officer deaths is? Not being killed in the line of duty, but suicide. They can't keep up with the debt, and something happens (injured, suspended, can't get enough overtime) and they end up blowing their fucking heads off because they feel like they don't have another option.

You overextend yourself and you want me to feel sorry for you? I don't give a shit, police officers and sheriff's deputies make enough money to live very comfortably, hell in my city police start at $50,000.00 a year and sheriff's deputies start at $55,000.00 a year. If you can't support a family of four on that salary then I would suggest your spouse get a job or you find another career that pays more.

Of course, your a self absorbed bitch, who thinks nothing about anyone other than herself. Who drives drunk, taking other person's lives in jepardy because of your selfish nature.

You've made a lot of assumptions about me in your response, that shows your lack of intelligence, not surprising, you never struck me as much more than a janitor and I think that's probably an insult to janitors.

A. I am allergic to alcohol, I can not and do not drink and therefore I do not drink and drive.

B. If more people were solely focused on themselves and their own families the world would be a much better and safer place. It's a little thing called personal responsibility, something you quite clearly know nothing about.

People like you make me re-think being conservative.

Calling homosexuals "flamers" and believing all law enforcement officers are gods does not make you a conservative, perhaps you should re-think your position.
Laker_Girl said:
Untrue, don't bother contradicting me, if you test to be a CHP officer and choose to sit behind a desk and they have a position open, you aren't ever going to be asked to go out into the field. By the way Einstein CHP officers do not work in jails, sheriff's deputies do, as most jails and prisons are run by the county and state. Also, in the state of California if you train to be a sheriff's deputy you almost always end up working in the jails and prisons first, that's life and I don't pity them.

My GOD your so fucking clueless.

In order to be a certified police officer in the State of California, you must complete a series of tests, both in an academy, and IN THE FIELD. P.O.S.T. (Police Officer Standards and Training, the state agency in charge of such certification) has strict criteria and rules about this. Phase 1 is acadamy training (124 hrs, or some such), Phase two is in the field (an additional 6 months), under the supervision of a traning officer. Phase 3 is additional time (6-7 more months), however, you don't have to be under the direct supervision of a training officer, but you do have to have one assigned to you. If a department, ANY DEPARTMENT (including the CHP) doesn't follow such protocol to the letter, it is in danger of losing its certification to train and be recognized as a legitimate agency.

Of course , you don't know any of that, because you are so selfish that all you care about is yourself, and your needs. You were so fucking eager to prove me wrong, you didn't bother to ask if I was talking about a sworn Police Officer, or a civilain who tests and gets placed behind a desk.

Also, I was quite clear that when I was talking about doing time in jails, I was talking about Sheriff deputies. (In fact, I specifically said LA Sheriffs - as in LOS ANGELES COUNTY.) Learn to fucking read.

(oh, and before you come back and say HA! you contridicted yourself, in order to be certified to work ANY PLACE OTHER THAN A JAIL you must go through additional training to do so. In essence, a second academy. If you fail that, back to the jails you go, and you end up staying there. )

Who said anyone wanted to sit behind a desk? I said they can and do. Say an officer is injured and can no longer perform the duties of a street cop or sheriff's deputy, most of the time they're offered a position behind a desk. If they have a bad hang nail they should get and 80% pension for the rest of their lives? I think not.

Its fucking harder to get a pension than that. Many agencies will do anything in order to avoid pensioning out people, as it ends up costing them more money in the long run. Also, in many larger citys, if you get hurt on duty and can't perform anymore, you get moved out of the police department, and into some other city agency. Example: People who get hurt during training in Los Angeles, and get a permanent duty restriction, sometimes get moved into the Science Investigation Division, a civilan job, and end up taking photographs of crime scenes and do fingerprint investigations. Others get a civilan job in the stations. However, they are in no way, shape, or form sworn police officers, they do not have the powers of police, and they don't get to carry guns, baton, and the like.

And why is that? You're a groupie that couldn't cut it?

No, hun. Try again. :smooch:

And yet I can spell "loser" correctly. Don't bother telling me it was a typo, you're not a genius son, sounds like according to you being a hairstylist is right up your 50 I.Q. alley. I'm not a stylist anymore because I found that my superior intellect was wasted talking to LOSERS like you.

oooh, I spelled a word wrong. I'm a fucking retard. :roll: Yeah, right.

It is a well known fact that I have poor spelling. Its simply because I don't give a shit posting on boards. When it matters, I have a spell check. Dealing with annoying white trash bitches like you, quite frankly, I don't give a shit enough to waste my time with the spell check. Deal with it.

Boo. Hoo. Hoo. Life's a bitch, you don't like what you're being paid by the state of California, move. And I have yet to meet a police officer, firefighter, or sheriff's deputy that doesn't own a house, a nice one at that and I know a lot of them.

You overextend yourself and you want me to feel sorry for you? I don't give a shit, police officers and sheriff's deputies make enough money to live very comfortably, hell in my city police start at $50,000.00 a year and sheriff's deputies start at $55,000.00 a year. If you can't support a family of four on that salary then I would suggest your spouse get a job or you find another career that pays more.

And the median home price in LA County is over 500k. In Arleta. And if you don't know where that is, its in a fucking shithole area of the San Fernando Valley. If you want to live somewhere nicer, your going to have to pay through the nose.

Can you do it? Yeah, but its going to be by the skin of your teeth, having two incomes. Or your going to have to live in Palmdale, and commute 50 miles a day. It is in no way a "comfortable" existance, at least by my definition.

A. I am allergic to alcohol, I can not and do not drink and therefore I do not drink and drive.

Oh, I was hoping that you were going to deny this. :bigass:

Laker_Girl said:
I used to drive drunk a lot, I was the designated drunk driver. I stopped doing that after being followed by a cop, scared the hell out of me.

And you can try to downplay it as much as you want, say you were only kidding, or whatever. But you were pretty clear there that you do it, and have a rather unsympathetic attitude about it. It just proves that you think only about yourself, and your own needs. NOT your famliy, NOT your white trash brother's kids. NOT anyone else.

Calling homosexuals "flamers" and believing all law enforcement officers are gods does not make you a conservative, perhaps you should re-think your position.

Not all police officers are gods. I never said that. I have have a higher opinion of first responders then you do. I believe that they should be well compensated, and be able to actually LIVE in the communities that they serve in, and not have to commute 50 miles one way in order to find affordable housing.
I'm not a stylist anymore because I found that my superior intellect was wasted talking to LOSERS like you.

Yeah, you took your superior intellect and became... a receptionist for your parents.
RobL said:
Another little nugget I found last night, while Wordin and I were looking for LG's drunk driving post, which proves that she's a fucking liar.

Hmm. Not only do you have an alcohol problem, but you like to vandalize other people's property. Maybe it isn't such a surprise you don't like the police.

I was 20, not even allowed to drink and I didn't drive. You stated that I'm the kind of person that drives drunk. Pwned again bitch...Now back on my shelf.