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Star Wars: The Last Jedi

I like how you say "probably" as if that's more likely to have happened than not and you'll be surprised when it's proved untrue in Episode 9.
I like how you say "probably" as if that's more likely to have happened than not and you'll be surprised when it's proved untrue in Episode 9.

Well its unlikely, but then so was Leia suddenly being able to survive in space, and pull herself back into a ship.

So who knows.

It would have been very easy for them to kill Liea off, but they chose not to.
I want ghost Mace Windu to be constantly harassing ghost Anakin.

"Wheres my arm motherfucker? Wheres my arm?"
No. It should be Family Guy specials.

They could even do a holiday special where Chewbacca's entire family gets lice and has to be shaved and it turns out Snokes was nothing but a shaved wookie.
I saw it yesterday and I can totally see why some people might not like it, or may even hate it, and I think that’s a justifiable point of view. This was the kind of tonal difference, playfulness with the building blocks of the franchise and disregard for logic that we got when Star Trek was rebooted. But I really enjoyed it.

Once you got used to the comedy (which for me was some point after the graphic alien milking scene where it became clear that nothing was off limits) it was a lot of fun.

I think Leia should’ve stayed dead after the bridge explosion if it had taken place later in the movie. I’m glad we got so many scenes with her, even if they were pretty much all a missed opportunity for us to learn some backstory.

The lack of explanation for pretty much everything in the movie was frustrating. I mean I’m all for keeping the mystical force of the Jedi unknowable, but there are only so many times Luke can walk off gruffly before it gets boring and the mystery is kept up just for the sake of it.

I liked the touch that when Luke projected to Kylo the image was of his younger self. Until the reveal I thought I was just imagining that his beard was darker.

The hyperspace jump was pure art. The whole concept of slowly chasing a ship that could’ve been destroyed in the first 10 minutes if any of the half dozen star destroyers had opened fire was duuuuummmb.

Equally disappointed by the casino planet. The vast majority of it was CG so it was annoying that it lacked so much in diversity. It would’ve been complex to add loads of cg characters, but no more than what was in most other scenes.

Loved the fight in Snoke’s throneroom. The imperial guards weapons were kind of naff (it kept looking like they were accidentally hitting themselves with them), but it was nicely choreographed.

I’m totally buying the inevitable BB-8 driving an AT-ST action figure set.

I’m not buying any stupid porgs. But I do like the trivia that they were used to cover up real life puffins on Skellig island that couldn’t be shooed away because they’re protected.
Now that more of you have seen it, I want to paint you a scenario, that is probably unlikely to have been what they had in mind, but to me works.

When Luke stood over Kylo ready to kill him, and Ren brought the house down on top of him, Luke was fatally injured, he had enough strength to get to his x wing, and leaving R2 behind, set off to Arch too, the place where he "went to die".

He probably died on the way there, or just as he was arriving, with his x wing under the waves, not quite reaching the island he sought, but being a jedi he was able to accomplish in death, what he could not in life.

He studied the jedi books, and learned from Yoda how to make his ghost not look like a ghost, and the caretakers of the island took care of the maintenance, of the buildings and surrounding areas.

He pulled a piece of metal from the x wing and used it as a door, because he knew eventually someone would find him, he even aged himself to look like an older, greyer version of Luke, like what someone would be expecting to see when they found him.

He didn't want to go with Rey because he knew, sooner or later someone would see through his ruse.

When he projected himself to the salt planet, he abandoned his old man disguise, and showed himself at the age he died.

The experience drained him of the ability to look and act solid, and he faded away back on arch to, but his metal arm faded too, which it wouldn't have done if he died when we assumed he did after staring into the twin suns.

He was 6th sensing the whole time.
After reading the script for the film, Mark Hamill told director Rian Johnson, "I pretty much fundamentally disagree with every choice you've made for this character [Luke Skywalker]. Now, having said that, I have gotten it off my chest, and my job now is to take what you've created and do my best to realize your vision." Hamill noted that he has the utmost respect for Johnson and The Force Awakens's director, J.J. Abrams, and is pleased with how both films have turned out. He just wanted to be heard.​
Also how any old fool would be able to design and build a rocket launcher that could send a probe that could reach the Sun from an M-class planet (the distance from our Earth to our Sun) in only 11 seconds. It it were that easy, why wouldn't any number of unbalanced individuals do it from Earth on any given day...

No wait, that was Generations.
Well to be fair, Soran might’ve been thousands of years old and he was a scientist, so that’s a good headstart for figuring it out.