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Things you love about Star Trek

As lame as Insurrection was, I would still rewatch it if it popped up on TV. But Nemesis is just unwatchable. Having outsiders run the creative team was supposed to refresh the franchise, but it all comes off like bad fanfic. It pops the cringe-o-meter.

I find myself watching VOY more these days, probably because I've watched DS9 so many times that I need a break from it. The bad stuff is still bad, but I find comfort in watching it now because it's a ship show like TOS and TNG. DS9 was beautiful, but it can't really be revived or replicated as a premise. It's Trek as a bus station. The characters and storylines have to be audacious and fascinating for it to work (luckily they were on DS9). But you can always try to make another ship show -- it's what Trek is designed for.

Having said that, not much of new Trek appeals to me. They won me back with the Picard series, but even then I was shouting at the screen half the time.
Weyoun 5 was the best Weyoun. He would do whatever evil thing the Founders asked him to, but he was also a chill guy who you could hang with. The last two Weyouns were too evil (but it makes sense the Founders would make them that way during the war.)

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Weyoun 5 was the best Weyoun. He would do whatever evil thing the Founders asked him to, but he was also a chill guy who you could hang with. The last two Weyouns were too evil (but it makes sense the Founders would make them that way during the war.)
Im sad we never got more of Yelgrun. I liked Iggy Pop in the role and its not like he was above regular gigs but I think he was touring at the time and only managed to get the spot because he was taking time out from hurting himself on stage.
That script must have been linked to on TrekBBS, becasuse I read it too. I remember Riker was supposed to say "don't worry, Hell is dark" after he killed Ron Perlman's character, but they cut it from the finished movie. It was the best line.
I remember it being so bad that no one believed it was real. Then the trailer came out and you could pick out each plot point from the script. Eek.
I remember it being so bad that no one believed it was real. Then the trailer came out and you could pick out each plot point from the script. Eek.

Hey @Fuddlemiff long time no see.

Hope life has been treating you well buddy!

Welcome Home GIF
I remember it being so bad that no one believed it was real. Then the trailer came out and you could pick out each plot point from the script. Eek.
I remember Jean-Luc and Shinzon both saying "MOVE YOUR ARSE" to show a parralel between them, but it was cut from the final film (probably because it's not something Jean-Luc would ever say.)
I like most of nu trek, even the stuff people hate like Picard 1-2 and Disco.


Honestly I get the reasons why people dont like it, at least when they were not blatantly parroted and purposely misogynistic and homophobic like most fandoms have seen to become of late, but it was different which was NEEDED.

I LOVE me some SNW, but part of the death of Beebs era Trek was the fact it was cookie cutter episodes with a new coat of paint. You can take most TNG, DS9, VOY, and ENT episodes, throw them onto a different crew and era, and have no difference in how things play out. There were shining examples of all of them, but the writers played it safe all the time.

Disco is different and thats GOOD. Its not everyones cup of tea and I get it. But they werent shy about that either by making it clear before it even premiered this was not a redux of 90's Trek, and was not going to be following a crews journey, but one womans journey. And while the behind the scenes shenanigans certainly contributed to the disfunction that some seasons have, they are still all pretty damn good. Also I LIKE the trauma isnt waved away. How many episodes did we see that crew LITERALLY DIED in front of everyone and its forgotten about for the rest of the show unless they decide to make a episode off of it later? I mean Harry Kim isnt even the same Harry who left DS9! The REAL one is dead. Picard literally got turned into a cyborg, killed thousands of people, was captured and tortured, lived an entire lifetime on a dead planet, watched the Android he defended and mentored for over a decade give his life for him, had his best friend killed and then mentored his son and had to deal with still having feelings for the guys wife and got turned into fucking gas, yet its not really till Picard seasons 1-2 we finally see what all that has done to the man and the PTSD the poor guy truly has. They hint on it yes, they have 1-2 episodes that delve into it here and there, but my god the dude should be in a fucking padded room for the shit he dealt with! I also love the time jump and this S4 of Disco with the 10C is probably the most high concept shit we have seen since TMP... having to contend with a threat that was not just benevolent, but completely oblivious to the destruction it was causing because it had advanced so far it didnt realize those ants it kept quashing to sustain its society, were sentient like them. Its like a complete reverse of that nanobot episode in early TNG, except the people of the Milky Way were the bots, and the 10C were the TNG crew.

So yeah, I like that we have a crew on Disco who has to contend with the ramifications of the sheer fucking hell they live through as a crewperson on a starship. I like that even if it was uneven Picard had to deal with his past, and his trauma. I truly dont think Picard S3 could have happened and been as good as it was without Picard facing his mortality and his past like he did in 1-2. I LOVE that 7 didnt just get her happy ending after Voyager but had to work for it and as a result became a damn fine captain by S3 of Picard.

Was there stupid shit? Sure! But I mean there is stupid shit all over Trek. If anything the biggest fault is that due to the much shorter seasons, when there is a bad concept episode, there are only so many good concept ones to outweigh it, unlike the old 24 episodes a seasons series.
I agree that continunity is a good thing, obviously with the way shows were made in the nineties they didn't want too much stuff passing from episode to episode so we didn't get something like O'Brien spending multiple episodes recovering from his latest bodily violation. They did get better with that towards the end of DS9. I would never go into a new Trek not wanting to like it. I remember I was the one here trying to argue in favour of Picard through most of season one. "It'll all come together in the end!" I really wanted it to be good but it just ended up being a mess (IMHO!) And realy, and I hate to say it, my biggest problem with that show was Patrick Stewart just not delivering as Jean-Luc.

In fact SNW was one I went into with some skepticism (ANOTHER prequel? Do we really need another Spock so soon after Quinto? Why aren't Nurse Chapel and Number One played by the same actor!?!?!) And then I ended up liking it quite a lot So I am thankful they've still managed to make Treks I've enjoyed (like Prodigy!) in recent years.

Discovery I can't be bothered going into, again I think I really wanted it to be good and I don't mind it being different it's just...put it this way, I still haven't watched the final season.
I haven't watched any seasons of Discovery yet. It's on my list of way too many shows to hopefully watch someday. Seen a few clips on YouTube.