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Wacky Watches: Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel

Underneath - Say what you want about Adam Baldwin being literally evil, but he does a great job playing Marcus Hamilton. All the stuff with him stalking Eve (casual clothes Eve!) is a lot of fun. All the Hell Dimension stuff with Lindsey is good and creepy. Gunn's fate is pretty brutal. Lindsey's end speech is kind of a repeat of Holland's famous elevator speech? I guess Angel needed a reminder. Also that scene where Wesley tells a "joke". This episode is pretty great. Harmony's added to the opening credits and I wonder if that was planned all along or if they just thought "we're cancelled anway so we might as well have Harmony in the opening credits!"

Origin - Connor's back! And he's...really good? Turns out Wolfram and Hart's reality altering spell does a great job saving probelmatic characters as this episode makes me wish we saw more of this Connor. He's actually really funny and even the "I learned that from my father" line is perfectly delivered. Sahjhan's back too and he's always fun. Wesley's going crazy haning out with Illyria. Gunn won't take the easy way out of the basement. Everything's really working well in these episodes.

Time Bomb - This episode is like a really great episode of Star Trek: Voyager with the crazy time travelling (which really it does better than any episode of Star Trek: Voyager.) Amy Acker is fucking awesome as Illyria and playing all the emotions this confused God goes through. I feel for her as she's too powerful to be contained by a human body. I CAN RELATE (not really.) This is another great episode and that's six in a row now!

The Girl In Question - Okay, the problem with this episode is that the previous five have built up an ominious mood and Time Bomb ending with Angel giving a baby to an evil demon cult. And then in this...Angel just acts like a wacky comedy character. Also the (very good) B-plot with Illyria pretending to be Fred to Fred's parents is super serious. And Dawn would have been much better than Andrew. HAVING SAID THAT it is a very funny episode! Boreanaz and Marsters have great chemisty. Darla and Dru make fun last ever appearances. The Italian Wolfram and Hart. And Angel bringing up that he's supposed to wait for Buffy to finish baking ("The Immortal's eating cookie dough!") is pretty great. So yeah I can't hate this episode.
Power Play - This episode never really convinces you that Angel has actually gone bad, but maybe it's not supposed to? Like they show the scene with him telling Nina to get out of town and why would he do that if he was evil and didn't care about anyone anymore? But again maybe the viewer is supposed to know that Angel is only faking being bad while the other characters are unaware. It's a very good episode! It's pretty amazing that the Circle of the Black Thorn thing is something they just made up for these last two episodes and yet it feels more natural and satisfying than the Buffy season seven arc. Dorgon and Illyria play Crash Bandicoot (is that still a thing?) and it's a really funny scene but also the comment on life and they're a cute pairing! Then Hamilton beats them up and Angel has to kill Drogon. And it's Angel's fault Drogon was there in the first place, so even if Angel had no choice to kill him he's still to blame. Poor Drogon.

Not Fade Away - Just saying that this is a better episode than 'Chosen' isn't really doing it justice. I mean it's useful to compare it to 'Chosen' and point out how it does a much better job at giving all the characters somethig important to do and how it's packed with memorable, profound lines and moments and feels like a finale that fits the seasons whereas Chosen felt like a finale for a much different season...but anyway this isn't just better than Chosen. It's one of the best finales of any tv show ever.

Remember Angel's fantasy in 'Awakening' where Connor saved him from the Beast with a quip and they killed it together? The exact same thing happens here with Connor saving him from Hamilton. Connor who is really great in season five! Wesley's death is just a perfect scene with Illyria asking if he wants her to lie to him now. We get to see Fred again but of course it's not really Fred and we viewers just want to believe the comforting lie like Wesley does. Then Fred transforms to Illyria in mid punch and Joss reused this idea with the Hulk's "you want to know my secret?" scene in the first Avengers movie and that's a thing I noticed. Gunn's scene with Anne is great. I love that they brought her back. Then he gets to go out fighting vamps after trying to avoid going back to that life and he's happy to do so. Lorne's scene killing Lindsey is great too and really sad and then even more sad when you remember that Andy Hallett died tragically young. Lindsey...there's still huge gaps in what happened to him between season two and five but this is the best version of his character since he returned. He isn't really evil but he's not good either, he just wants to be important. He's not part of the solution. And what about Harmony! I like that she betrayed them because I find the idea of soulless vampires being "good" to be problematic as it makes Buffy a mass murderer. They can do good things and try to live in our world but they're still soulless killers at heart. The scene where Harmony is remembering being human with Angel was good. She was a great character!

So yeah while this is a perfect ending the thing that makes me wish the show had gone on longer is how great Amy Acker is as Illyria. She'd really only just started as the character and there was a lot more she could have done. Fuck whoever cancelled the show really!

Also this episode has many many quotable lines so maybe quote them in posts below if you want.

This thread is over now?
Dollhouse is way way better than Firefly though.

Not Fade Away is a fantastic episode of tv

Thanks for doing this Wacky :3
I'll probably watch Firefly sometime but there's a lot of tv shows to watch at the moment anyway.

I can't believe I forgot to mention Spike's poetry. "Thank you, that was for Cecily. This next one's called 'The Wanton Folly of Me Mum!'"
I'm still listening to Dusted.

"I have seen Gingerbread on best of Buffy lists all across the internet."

No you haven't.
I like Dusted a lot!

Their reading of The Zeppo is ridiculous and completely unsupported and I think they're trying too hard to justify why they like it.
Dusted is going to start S4 this week and I guess that's a good time to rewatch it?

I'm watching The Freshman rn and maaaaan Sunday would've been a good big bad.
I've listened up to The Prom. They still say weird things (usually the guy) sometimes, like him claiming Earshot is "one of the most reviled episodes by some of the fan community." I don't remember anyone ever saying anything bad about Earshot. Or him weirdly insisting "she's a child" about Cordy in The Prom when she was 18 and just about to graduate high school and Wes was only a couple of years older (and it's not like he was a teach or anything...just a guy who hung around the school. Okay it is a bit inapporpriate.) And I always thought the cutaway to Tucker being rejected was hilarious.
I agree, he really says outrageous things sometimes. He hates Anya and season 4, the best season of Buffy the Vampire Slayer!!

And he even, get this, likes The Zeppo.

(Their read of the Zeppo as being an unreliable narrator episode, and that the things on screen did not happen how they're portrayed, is actually really ridic though.)
My theory is that they mark down Jane Espensen on purpose to make Marti look better by comparison.

It's a pretty baseless theory, granted.
Rm w/a vu is literally one of two good episodes until Faith shows up, it's really weird to dislike it!

Especially for people who claim they like Cordy!!!
"It's only rewatching Goodbye Iowa this that I realised how comprehensively we've been tackling this issue of identity. It's influenced virtually every single plot element that we face all season long!"

jfc about time dusted.
I've fallen behind since they went to two a week (FUN FACT: I listen to it once a week when writing my top ten.)