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What film did you recently see ? Do not forget to rate it

Without recapping the movie, she went with a camera expecting a forced BJ that she could record for leverage, not a rape.

Anyway, just saw the second in the series yesterday, liked it as much as the first for different reasons. I like that these are really "ensemble" movies, while Lisbeth is a main character, she is not the ONLY main character. Again very un-hollywood. 9/10.

Now I've got to see the third installment.
Consumer: Explain?

that was my gf's

meaning that people like him have a distorted sense of power & security and really cant afford to get complaincent with such a score card.

Eventually these things catch up; every dog gets their day.

If anything, he shuld b on super alert, ie he put himself in danger by continuing his sick games. ofc mr parole officer did that 2 girls b4 lisbeth. thats his thing

btw if he is gonna force a bj, ofc he will force more, only a matter of time
harry brown/ michael caine vigilante ex marine kills bunch of hoodies/dealers 8/10 fist time 7/10 2nd time...

Hurt Locker, about ied removers in Iraq 9/10
127 Hours: the movie version of the Aron Ralston story, 100% true story of an American kid who got trapped in a Utah Canyon with his arm pinned behind a boulder and hung there for a week until he cut himself free. bear in mind that his knife was a cheapass pocket blade and not strong enough to cut stone. Think about it...James Franco does a fantastic job playing the kid who is a very confident type guy and the tension is thick as he goes through facing his own death. Fantastic film, I can't recommend it highly enough. It's a lot like Castaway in that Franco has to carry it all by himself, but better because it actually happened. They're talking Oscar for the performance. Probably won't win but it's damn good.

Meanwhile the other end: On DVD, Walking Tall remake with the Rock. Oh. Em. Gee. This might be the worst movie I ever saw. There aren't enough words to describe how bad this turd is. If you rent it, please burn or break or scratch it before returning as a public service. There is not obne single part of this movie that didn't completely destroy the original story or acting or concept. I'm serious. Kill this DVD.
The Kids are All Right

8/10 becoz I chuckled frequently & I liked the dynamix between Mum's & Donor :D

The Kids are All Right

8/10 becoz I chuckled frequently & I liked the dynamix between Mum's & Donor :D


I liked it less cause i thought that the whole lesbians watching gay male porn shit to get off was overly stereotypical! I am gay, but watching lesbian porn ain't gonna get me off! WHO THE FUCK WROTE THIS SHIT??? And then when the one lesbian went & screwed the fuck outta the sperm daddy...REPEATEDLY I was totally DEAD to the concept of this film. This whole film made no relevant sense to me. Just my opinion.
wow Henoch has horns!!!

As much as u say tis bs, I know a dude exactly like the donor guy, like exactly; lesb couples love him & always getting himself into tricky sitch's by banging one and infuriating the other....

So that much seems to be close to some reality.
I dunno about the ghey pr0n
I saw Narnia, although not in 3-D but it was enjoyable.
I needed a cutesy film on a rainy Sunday afternoon.
I liked the first one better I think.
Rating....hmmmm 5 or 7.
So many movies to see while I'm on vacation until I go back to work on Jan. 3rd. Fortunately, I have lots of movie money gift cards ($50) and I get into the movies for $3.25!!! Whoot!!!

Started out my vacation movie picture watching by going to see Narnia: Voyage of the Dawn Treader.

The good:
I've not read any of those books.
I've seen the first two films.
It didn't cost me anything to see it.
I had some free time while waiting for someone else.
Ben Barnes, who plays Prince Caspian, is really cute even if he is toooo young for me.
The production values were excellent.
I really liked the dragon part of the story.
There weren't any little children or teenagers running amok in the theater.
There were a lot of warm, fuzzy, cutsie, likeable, enjoyable elements to the film.
The story was okay.

The bad:
All the conflicts were resolved relatively easy.
It was a tad too predicatable.
The unifying reason for the whole voyage was lame.

Overall, though, it is a good movie for the 9-13 year old crowd with a parent in tow. A rather nice adventure story with great scenery, nothing too frightening for that age group, not intense, and plenty of visual interest with hints at mature underlying themes for the grown ups.

For me, it is a B+.
After a wonderful day with part of the family celebrating Christmas and eating ham and turkey, I went to the movies.

Saw True Grit.

I saw the original movie with John Wayne, Glen Campbell, and Kim Darby at the theater when it was new. It was probably one of the best roles for John Wayne and I remember the movie as being very good.

The good news is even though I saw the original one with John Wayne when it first came out, I also liked this new version. The story is a little different than I remember. Maybe I understand it better because I was a young teen -13 or 14 - when the original came out. I like Jeff Bridges and he did this character justice. Matt Damon did an excellent job. The young girl that played Maddy in this version did an excellent job too.

I wouldn't recommend this movie for the younger than about 14 because some of it is pretty gruesome. But, as the main character, Maddy, is 14, I think she might be thought provoking to the 14 year olds of today. For instance, when Maddy explains why she is the logical person in her family to take care of her father's business, she says, "My mother is no good at sums and has a hard time spelling cat." She is not saying her mother is stupid so much as she is saying her mother is uneducated, which was quite common for that time. Education is something we take for granted in our time. Maddy is also educated in legal terminology and Latin, which I doubt was common in her time, and makes me wonder how she came be to be so.

Anyway, I think it is a good movie and give it an A. I'd give it an A+ but it isn't the original and while it is very good, it doesn't really improve on the original through acting, special effects, etc.
Millennium Trilogy <3 Lisbeth!! Awesome!!

The Girl with The Dragon Tattoo


The Girl Who Played With Fire


The Girl Who Kicked The Hornet's Nest


I wish we could copy this conversation into another thread......
I just started reading "The girl who kicked the Hornets Nest"
Tron: Legacy. Very, very good movie. It also made excellent use of 3D. A lot of movies use 3D as an afterthought or window dressing. Tron used it as an artistic tool. The depth of 3D varied depending on the mood. Scenes went from flat 2D in flashback scenes and "filler" type scenes, to very pronounced 3D in action and heavily emotional scenes. I thought it also extended the story of the original movies quite nicely, and didn't crap all over the original. I thoroughly enjoyed it. A+
Thankyou. I was reading reviews and it's pretty much gotten trashed. Every review I've read had said it sucked. I've been waiting all year for it and won't get to it until early Jan. I was a sad panda until I read your words. I'll be taking the words of someone I know over the critics. The fizz is back in my cola for Tron: Legacy.
Hold on. I didn't love Tron: Legacy quite as much as Dirk even though I should have. Jeff Bridges - one of my favorites. Tron - another favorite. Saw it for free (basically) - always starts a movie out on the plus side before it even begins. Movie theater ambience wasn't disturbed by people who don't know how to behave in public - another plus factor.

The special effects weren't that special for the most part. The story was pat and too predictable. The big sacrifice was totally not necessary and, in context with the development of the plot components that came in to play with that big sacrifice, was not even plausible.

Further, Tron came out in the early 1980s. Graphics and game play has much improved since then. True, the characters attempted through dialogue to justify the old graphics style to "The Grid." The characters even attempt to justify the lack of development to the creator's lack of understanding of perfection. However, the creator also states that hours in the cyber world is actually only a few minutes in real time. And, it is made clear that the programs are adept at learning and retaining their knowledge. While the light cycles were visually cool, the design and movement of the overall transport units was not all that exciting after their first apearance. Really? In about 19 years real time and much more in cyber time, that is the best this super smart graphics intensive program for its day could come up with?

The real world drama was pretty lame too. Poor little orphan boy with attitude grows up to have more attitude.

Production values were for the most part good except for the voices. Jeff Bridges sounds like he has marbles in his mouth - even in his younger versions; and the kid that plays his son sounds like he has a very deep voice that has been enhanced to make it deeper. The deep voice is good because I hear the deeper sounds better, but it also sounds unnatural. With all the technology we have available for super graphics, good CGI, and special effects, and because this story should have been overloaded with the super good stuff and it wasn't, the production values get a mediocre mark. Further, while the music was authentic to take us back to a certain time period, there wasn't much of it. And, if they are going to sexy up the women, they need to sexy up the men too. Lastly, Bruce Boxleitner was not put to good use. He may be obviously older than dirt but us old gals still find him sort of a hottie.

So, what was good about this movie? Not much. Sorry. Just a B movie.
Roman Polanski's The Ghost Writer. It's well made, but it's nothing more than a thin, pulpy political thriller. Saw the ending coming a mile away. No Oscar this time.
3 stars

Saw The Social Network. Aaron Sorkin certainly deserves Best Screenplay for making such a fluid story (and even adding poetic subtext) out of a loser nerd becoming a spiteful billionaire. His flair for dialogue rivals David Mamet; where Mamet writes jazz, Sorkin writes sambas and quicksteps. Fincher's direction was good but not as transcendent as the script. Jesse Eisenberg was very good as Zuckerberg, Justin Timberlake was impressive as Napster Guy. But it doesn't sit well with me that this will win Best Picture all over the place, since the story has no soul or heart, and leaves you cold at the end
(even with the crap about Zuck doing it all over his old girlfriend, which has gotta be crap)
4 1/2 stars
Black Swan ~~ Engrossing and kind WTF all the way through, but I hear people raving about Mila Kunis's role. She was good, but not OMFG she has got to be nominated for best supporting actress!! Natalie was brilliant, and Vincent Cassel should get recognition for his part as well.

8.5/10 ~~ Only because I kinda had an inkling of what was going on
Gulliver's Travels

This has been quite the season for old movies remade (True Grit), or sequeled (Tron: Legacy), or reimagined (Gulliver's Travels).

Jack Black is one of those actors that, IMO, is either really good or really bad. This movie was one of his better efforts.

The bad - not much, really. JB is looking a little worse for wear.

The good - while the story was familiar, it was also fresh with the reimagining. Jack Black can be, and is in this movie, charming and funny. Some of it was silly but it still got a giggle out of me. I liked it.

If you want brainy, intelligent, witty, clever, high-brow, then this isn't the movie. If you want some simple enjoyment, then this movie will do quite nicely.
