Bungie Retard
Blindgroping said:back at ya'
Out of a hundered pot heads, how many are like you and menty, and how many are like what TQ and I are talking about?
Out of a hundered, I'll give your side a generous 5 or 6, the majority of the rest are in the moron category.
Premise? There is no premise, but I do have a belief and a reason and a direction. Those should be obvious.
Sweetie, I clearly know more potheads than you. I've smoked with the rich and famous and the down and out. Thousands of potheads. How the FUCK can you not think of this before posting? How could you not anticipate that my admited 18 years of smoking would give me a thousand times better perspective into this world?
Out of 100 pot heads how many are like me? NONE BITCH! I"M THE SHIT!
Now, out of 100 potheads how many will end up homeless arguing about the Holocaust with TQ on the streets of Tempe? In my experience SOMETHING LIKE 1 OUT OF 100 probably less. Good lord woman, citing percentages of the 100s of potheads you know. WHAT A WASTE OF AN ARGUMENT THIS HAS BEEN
You are a representative of people who don't think before they conclude. But I must admit, after reading your thoughtfull, supported and well structured argument I am thinking about repenting and undoing the last 20 years of my life. ANYTHIGN to keep off the streets of Tempe!