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Arizona Congresswoman Gabrielle Gifford Gunned down at Grocery Store

You do know that she intentionally says these things so that you will notice her?

She knows full well that voters don't care as much about the past and they care for how you appear now.

Yes, she if getting herself into our faces for a presidential bid.
Anyone catch her "blood libel" video before she took it down?

Did she take it down? LOL, someone must have clued her in on how that was/is going to backfire on her ass. Way to ratchet up the hate talk and violence one more notch there lady teabagger.

At least she provided the final nail in her political coffin. The opposition will never let her live that one down along with the cross-hairs hit list during the 2010 election cycle. I can see the political hit ads now. Independents and moderates won't vote for her, and thankfully there's not enough far right-wingers to get her elected White House Janitor.

BTW, good to see you cassie .. oh and everyone else too.
Saw an advert for it on Yahoo but didn't see the video. Why did she take it down?

Probably because she doesn't know what the phrase means. She probably just liked the imagery of it and went with it, not knowing she was opening up a whole can of whop-ass worms.

Blood Libel - The blood libel is a false accusation that Jews sacrifice Christian children either to use the blood for various "medicinal" purposes or to prepare Passover Matzoth (unleavened bread) or for vengeance and mock crucifixions. It is one of the central fables of Anti-Semitism of the older (middle ages) type. The blood libel is a phenomenon of medieval and modern Christian anti-Semitism, but spread to the Middle East as early as 1775, when there was a blood libel in Hebron. A second blood libel occurred in Damascus in 1840 and one occurred in Cyprus in the same year. As the blood libel was the subject of folk ballads and literature, it was not simply a religious superstition in Europe, but a staple of popular culture, like most anti-Semitic prejudices.

The Congresswoman is Jewish too.

Maybe Palin did know what it meant. Maybe she meant to position herself as an anti-Semite on top of everything else. As far as I'm concerned, it's just another reason for voters to NOT vote for her in 2012.

Although Republicans should be careful, if she were to get the nomination it all but guarantees Obama's re-election. I'd sort of like to not have him around for another 4 years, and that can be done if Republicans get their heads off the dicks of the Religious right and the teabaggers, and nominate a real leader.

I think she is much more insidious than just your basic nouveau rich celebrity. Sure she wants attention, and she subscribes to the notion that "any press, even bad press, is good".

But she also cloaks herself in the bad press and then is set-up to play the victim. That's how she endears herself to her base. She says things they want to hear, and then plays the victim--which BTW is exactly how her base feels about everything in life. That they've been the victim of everything.

She uses rhetoric that I just cringe over. My teeth actually hurt when she speaks. Then, when others exercise their constitutional right to criticize her, she goes into "you all just hate me and my family". This is what people believe. That people are out to 'get' Palin. When she orchestrated all of her victim-hood herself. She's a menace and the thought of this woman being in the WH scares me. It could cause an all out revolution.

I don't care that she's an attention whore. I don't even care that she is making money off her game. But, I do care that people listen to this woman. Hell, the GOP doesn't even know how to smack her down. She is like Rush and Beck. Everyone sees what they are, but no one wants to aggravate the wingnut nation. But, it's dangerous to let crazies like this have any legitimate platform to speak to the American people.

The only saving grace on any of this is this.. no one wins the WH without the Independents. NO ONE. And every time she opens her mouth another Independent/moderate resolves him or herself to vote against her.

The 2010 election is over. Sure, sure, the GOP and TeaParty won seats. It was one election and a mid-term to boot. It was a reaction to poor economic progress and the inescapable conclusion that Obama is not who they voted for. But come 2012, Independents will be poised to vote against her ass. Obama will look mighty good to the moderates compared to her.

Just remember, all the hyperbole from the Left and the Right doesn't mean squat. It's the middle that elects the President. It only works in a mid-term election because it is local politics, and the gerrymandering of the past 200 years means some wingnuts are going to go to Congress. But it never works in a general election for the WH.