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Here's a thread about Doctor Who Series 8 for TK if you like

Of course thanks to the BBC cutting both the beheading, the subsequent explanation as for how the head was still alive, and the heads reattachment, we still thought the Sheriff was a human when he went into the gold, rather than the twist of him being a cyborg.

Thanks a bunch ISIS.
Sounds like it was better how we saw it. A desperate and power hungry human thinking he's using alien robots is more interesting than the bad guy robots having a bad guy robot commander.
Oh, is that what the beheading would have been? Yeah, I kind of agree that it wouldn't have added anything if he was a robot. Of course they still had the Doctor PULLING OUT SOMEONE'S HAIR without a trigger warning so expect another angry blog!

Episode was okay. I thought the "Doctor doesn't believe Robin Hood, Robin Hood laughs" stuff went on a bit long (especially the dungeon scene) and I don't think there's any point trying to make sense of the shooting the spaceship with the golden arrow thing. Clara looked cute and Jenna Coleman did a good job again. Clara's still kind of a character who is whatever the plot needs her to be but Jenna does a good job keeping her believable at least.
Am I the only one bothered by the inhumanly prodigious amount of spit the old man hocked at the Sheriff? That's not what it looks like when a human being spits, unless said human being bursts a pint water balloon in his mouth first. That was more like a malfunctioning sprinkler than a human loogie.

And yet for all that saliva, after the Sheriff runs the guy through, the sword comes back without a drop of blood on it.

Maybe the old man had saliva instead of blood.
Yeah, that had to be a mouthful of water.

And they don't really do blood on who, at least not like that, cuts and bruises, no Sam Peckinpa moments.
The arrow thing at the end was so stupid I'd suppressed my memory of it by the time I wrote "the final scenes were really good!"
Yeah, the golden arrow thing was dumb, but I liked the episode. It was fun and Clara looked great in that red dress.
It was okay, I guess? The script was a bit thin - far from Gatiss' best - but the performances managed to cover some of the cracks.
Gaitiss is just trying to keep his "I never write an episode as good as you'd think I could possibly write an episode even though Cold Blood was quite good I guess" streak.
But we can already watch it!

SO YEAH it was a very good episode, but I'll just get the negative out of the way and why it wasn't an all time great: Danny Pink. Or rather the actor who plays him. I was willing to give him a chance after his first episode (where he was kind of dull) but I think this one just proves he's a completely uncharismatic plank of wood. It was especially clear when he was playing his future relative...and he was just exactly the same. But with a beard. I hope he's not going to be a regular character because he can't hold his own with the great Jenna Coleman (whereas Arthur Darvill was just as good as Karen Gillan.)

But yeah speaking of Coleman she was great again. DARE I SAY actually even more impressive than Capaldi in some ways (though he was still very good.) As good as the ending in the barn was, the scene with the young Danny and the bed "monster" was the highlight.

(I thought previous Doctors had suggested he coudln't return to Gallifrey's past because it was "timelocked" or whatever, but I guess the events of the anniversary episode show it wasn't really timelocked and maybe he could go back all along, or The Moment allowed the TARDIS to go back this time because it knew what Clara had to do or something who cares.)
I wish Jenna Coleman was the monster under MY bed. Because she would in rather short order discover the monster IN my bed RAWR RAWR RAWR IF you know what I mean
And yes, the Danny Pink character bothers me, too. I mean Jesus Christ, man, you're supposed to have been a soldier, MAN THE FUCK UP already and stop being scared of EVERYTHING.

I get that he didn't have a good time, but unless he was rapid dead nuns from Basic to discharge, there's no reason for him to have been so completely PUSSIFIED by the thing. Fucker acts like an abused dog, he needs to be more the hardened yardie.
Was the barn definitely on Gallifrey? Maybe it was a colony on some other planet?

Well in 'Something Of The Doctor' I don't remebmer them saying "he's took The Moment to another planet!" or anything. I guess it's weird that the barn is still standing in the middle of nowhere all those years later (maybe the Doctor kept it maintained himself or something it doesn't matter really.)
I think it might have been on another planet, or why was the Rose/Moment looking up at the sky, when it looked like the Doctor was going to destroy Gallifrey?