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Here's a thread about Doctor Who Series 8 for TK if you like

Yeah, it was Keeley Hawes off of Spooks, but they made her look like a trousersuited dom from some crap S&M porn, which they probably thought was hot but it wasn't because she looks lovely when she's normal.

Sums up the episode, really. Lots of attempts to make it look distractingly pretty so you don't notice the dull story. I'm finding this season is reusing a lot of old plot elements, and this was the worst offender so far. The alien reminded me a lot of the minotaur from a couple of years ago.
Can't have her go out with the Doc, so instantly give her a new bloke. But does Who really need coupling?

No, his mortal self already has Rose in that alternate universe they're stuck in and he's married to River Song. I hope they bring her back somewhere along the line. As far as I remember they didn't establish the 'real time' days with her, only where they found her preserved in the library and stuff in the future to 'save the planet'.

Meh, I'm not so much a fan of the character. It's like they're trying to build a character who's Rory Williams Plus to go with "bossy control freak" Clara, which is turning her into Amy Pond, Rather Shorter Brunette Edition.

They'll never be able to touch the Pond's from here on out. Rose had Mickey but poor Mickey's heart was constantly being crushed.

I agree that Clara is a bossy control freak and I still haven't warmed up to her character. In last seasons episodes before the Doctor changed she was fun, now she's just a bit too uptight. I expected this Doctor to be the uptight one.

And with the OP, why all the confusion about "i really don't know who the doctor is anymore"? She's been "saving" him forever. She damn well knows.
I think all the "explaining" about Vastra and Jenny and anything else that was already well established for those who follow the show was mainly for newbies to the series. They made such a big thing about the season premiere and Peter Capaldi and I think that was to draw in more (new) fans.
And with the OP, why all the confusion about "i really don't know who the doctor is anymore"? She's been "saving" him forever. She damn well knows.

Good point! Also, let's face it, the 12th Doctor is, in character, very much like the 1st Doctor -- and Clara already met him. Granted, it may have been only for those brief few seconds we saw, but he still greeted her with, "What? What do you want?!" So she already knew him as a rude old jerk once.

The only explanation is that, because that was just a "Clara fragment", the "contemporary" version of her didn't actually have that experience.
Meh, they'll explain it all away as a Wibbly Wobbly Timey Wimey thing :smile:

I don't think Capaldi's Doctor is an old curmudgeon. I rather like him and he has a sense of humor, something they built opposite of leading up to the season premiere. I don't know why, but the eyebrow thing cracks me up every time.

As far as Pink goes, he's a weak willed wimp. No place for that except maybe they'll feed him to some horrific monster in a future episode.

God please don't make these two a copy of the Ponds! That's just blasphemy. River should come 'round and shoot them if it happens.
I think the way they developed Amy Pond as being bossy over Rory was well done. But ferfuxake, there's no call for them to do exactly the same relationship over again with the very next companion.
LOL check it out. Click the image to make it bigger if you can and tell me what you see.

A closed Kmart in my area is boasting this and my husband did some security work there recently and sent me this. Props to the graffiti artist.

I think the way they developed Amy Pond as being bossy over Rory was well done. But ferfuxake, there's no call for them to do exactly the same relationship over again with the very next companion.

They won't go there. He's too weak willed and she's too busy bossing around The Doctor. I'm still hoping for consumption by a horrible monster.
It's sort of cute the way she bosses The Doctor, actually, mostly in the way he patiently humors her about it (to an extent.)

But they need to have Danny the Pink man the hell up, 'cause the milquetoast soldier ain't any too impressive. (Or credible.)
Well I really didn't like Donna at first but I did warm up to her. God she was shrill! I'm going to give Clara time.

Martha was/ is awesome and she 'gets it' and went on to work with UNIT. I hope she makes appearances too.
I saw this thread and said to myself SELF you can't look at it you haven't seen the episode yet, and then went on thinking it was Friday and Saturday at the same time :rwmad:
Well I really didn't like Donna at first but I did warm up to her.

Same. But I can only imagine the showrunners must be surrounded by bitchy, bossy redheads. First Donna Noble, then Amy Pond. Poor guys are probably being held hostage by an army of vicious gingers or something, and their female characters are they only way they can get out a plea for help.

Also this is hilarious:

Good I guess, seemed a bit low budget.

Policeman's death was surprisingly violent, was not expecting the charred hand to fall to the floor.

With the dead ringer for the 11th Doctor a deliberate choice, should we read anything into the promised land guy looking and acting a hell of a lot like the Simms master?
Good I guess, seemed a bit low budget.

It felt like they only had like three rooms and half a playground to represent a school.

I thought it started well and there were some funny lines, but after the opening it slowed way down and not much happened. I mean I guess we're supposed to be super interested in how The Doctor and Danny Pink will interact, but I wasn't and even if I had been it wouldn't have been enough to hang a whole episode on. The "PE Teacher" bit was maybe funny the first time he said it, but then he just kept saying it and saying it until I wanted the Doctor to just shut up. Which probably isn't what they were going for. Danny still wasn't anymore interesting than before (oooh he did a flip to save the world) and I didn't buy Clara being "in love" with him. The parts with Disruptive Influence were the best parts. There should have been more of the Doctor interacting with the children. The robot was crap and just because it's a "comedy" episode that's no excuse. Still, probably better than last week's.
It was better than last week's, but that's not really saying a lot. It felt like something that'd be covered in an SJA episode, which made me wonder if she's still alive in-universe. Weird thought.

I do like Danny Pink, and I do like Clara and Danny (Clanny?), but they never seem to get beyond the initial thing of him being awkward and her having crap excuses for being late. I don't really get much of a sense of why they like eachother so much, or how well they've actually got to know eachother. Even the montage at the beginning only focused on the awkwardness instead of showing them getting to know one another. And then she says she loves him!

The robot was awful. I'm sure I heard something about it being the most feared/destructive destructive thing in the universe (aren't they all?), but it didn't even manage to shoot Danny when he stood still directly in front of it. Hopeless!

Anyway, there were some funny lines and hopefully now Danny's in the loop they can finally develop him a bit more and he'll prove useful. But no more flipping, thanks.
Also the most destructive robot in the universe puts a neat hole in a stack of plastic chairs, but does not damage the wall behind them.

I could never get over the wobbly head as it moved, seen more convincing cosplay robots.
Haven't seen this week's yet -- got it downloaded an' all, just haven't got 'round to watching it -- why the hell haven't they got on to letting Danny Pinky girl in on the fact that his girlfriend is a time traveler?! Fuck's sake, why hasn't he figured it out for himself yet? Are we to believe that he's fuckin' stupid as well as unmanly?

He met Clara when when he was knee high to a tampon fuffuxakes!