Troll Kingdom

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Scarecrow or Boobs and Butt?

Laker_Girl said:
Most of the crap prior to this paragraph was strictly for entertainment purposes, Dono is so liberal he's about to grow breasts and a vagina. However, this paragraph could not be more true, I keep all my friends seperate. I mean you should have heard all the hen cackling about this friend and that after my 30th birthday party. All of my friends think they're my best friend and I keep it that way.

Like most of your neocon ilk, you mistake thoughtfulness for weakness and think knowledge is too dangerous for regular people. More's the pity for you. I prefer to exercise my right to question my leaders.

I too hate women drivers, fortunately I have three older brothers and wouldn't be caught dead driving like a woman.
You spend an awful lot of time and energy focussing on people and things you hate. Is there a list? Wouldn't it be simpler and much less time consuming to make a list of things you don't hate? There can't be more than one or two items there...
eloisel said:
Hey, I have an older brother, too, but he has nothing to do with the way I drive. I drive like a woman because I am a woman and I'm a damned good driver too.

When my daughter was around 18, she got some tickets and went to a class to get deferred ajudication. Some asshole piped up about "women drivers." I like the way she pointed out she was the only woman in that class of 30. Women are just as capable of being good drivers as men are. Stand up and be proud to be a capable person.

After about six months in your Twatopia, bad driving would no longer be an issue as only about a third of you can change your oil, pull a spark plug or fill the goddamn gas tank. You'd be a pre-industrial developing world in less than ten years.

Probably how the original Egyptians died out, once they let girls run things they went from building mighty pyramids to wrapping themselves in rolls of carpet...
eloisel said:
Evil menz from the Lifetime Network!!!

Obviously you don't read the threads on this board where time after time women are degraded, disparaged, reduced to kitchen help and fembots that simply exist to sexually gratify men without reciprocal satisfaction. Do you object to that type of thinking? Doubtful, but you get your panties in a wad when I suggest the knuckle-draggers need to go the way of the austrolopithecenes.
Read em? I started them bastards, archived them and occasionally masturbate to them. Why?

BS. While, yes, there are women like that out there - just like there are men like that - those type of people tend to flock together or find themselves alone because the rest of us just can't stand to be around them.
In arguing my point you prove it. "My world would be grand and wonderful because we'd ostracise THOSE bitches right there." What do you suppose is gonna happen when enough of THOSE bitches get together and start forming larger groups? A tupperware party?

Also BS. We don't need "knuckle-dragging, ballscratching neanderthals" at all. What any successful society needs are intelligent, capable, creative visionary types - be they male or female.
I again refer you to the "Man Prime Directive," the single source of every adaptive, evolutionary or behavioral advancement mankind has EVER made:


Girls who pine for the sensitive guys who have a sense of humor and thoughtful insight, are still FUCKING the other kind who laughs at his own farts and thinks that Monet is something you work for to get bitches. You want more of the Alan Alda guys, start breeding with them. Basic heredity. Nerdify the gene pool and you'll have a society of Woody Allen guys before you know it.

And then they'll leave you for their underage Korean adopted daughters.

If people can't find the right exit on the turnpike it is because the idiot that designed it didn't provide for appropriate signage and adequate time to move from an inside lane to the exit ramp with consideration for the drivers on the outer lanes not allowing traffic flow. Not all of us feel like we own the road and everyone else must get out of our way while we give no quarter to any one else.

Jesus Christ, I just channeled my ex-wife for a second and threw up a little in my throat. Stop that please.

Anyway, that reminds me of a reason Womyn's world wouldn't work. Without men, who would you bitch and nag at every fourth week for 5-7 days? We serve a very useful purpose in that regard, because we don't dare argue back for fear of disrupting the pussy supply. Another woman, equipped with her very own Little Box of Love, wouldn't put up with NEARLY as much shit as we men all have to...
If you keep being this manly you are going to turn my legs to jelly. If that happens, you have to mow my yard, build me a deck, wash my car, and stuff.
Come on, there's nothing better then the sound of bedsprings bouncing and ribs cracking.....
eloisel said:
If you keep being this manly you are going to turn my legs to jelly. If that happens, you have to mow my yard, build me a deck, wash my car, and stuff.

See above topic, "Man Prime Directive." I.I.D.T.W.I.G.M.L, pronounced "idiot wig-a-mole." I ain't sweating until you do. I've been married, I already put in a lifetime of pay-it-forward pro bono work. Now it's strictly gash and carry...
Donovan said:
Like most of your neocon ilk, you mistake thoughtfulness for weakness and think knowledge is too dangerous for regular people. More's the pity for you. I prefer to exercise my right to question my leaders.

PMS? Rough ain't it?

You're neither thoughtful nor knowledgable. I have witnessed first hand you jumping to conclusions and making bold and harsh statements about people and situations of which your knowledge of is limited to postings on a troll board.

And that is mostly why you do not now nor will you ever impress matter how many times you tell me how intelligent you think you are.

Put simply, the proof is in the puddin' and I think you're kinda dumb.

You spend an awful lot of time and energy focussing on people and things you hate. Is there a list? Wouldn't it be simpler and much less time consuming to make a list of things you don't hate? There can't be more than one or two items there...

Well A) you don't know me at all so why, based on my opinions and rantings posted on a troll board would you assume I spend an awful lot of time and energy focusing on people and things I hate? And more importantly B) Why do you care?
Laker_Girl said:
PMS? Rough ain't it?

You're neither thoughtful nor knowledgable. I have witnessed first hand you jumping to conclusions and making bold and harsh statements about people and situations of which your knowledge of is limited to postings on a troll board.
You mean responding to your plaintive cries for attention and tales of woe, and pointing out why they make you look shallow and mean-spirited? Whose fault is that? I didn't post all that shit about how you made your fiancee get you a better ring because your materialistic side couldn't take owning the "wrong" symbol of his eternal love. If you portray yourself publicly as a bitch and a harpy, don't cry foul when I reserve the right to call you that.
And that is mostly why you do not now nor will you ever impress matter how many times you tell me how intelligent you think you are.
I can think of very few things less important than your opinion of me. Belly button lint comes close, but even that demands more immediate attention than you. Maybe if it were someone ELSE's belly button lint. Then your opinion of me might carry weight.

But I doubt it.

Put simply, the proof is in the puddin' and I think you're kinda dumb.
You misspelled "knowledgeable."

Well A) you don't know me at all so why, based on my opinions and rantings posted on a troll board would you assume I spend an awful lot of time and energy focusing on people and things I hate? And more importantly B) Why do you care?
Maybe because your every topic seems to start, focus on, and finish with some person you are currently pissed at. Your brother, your friends who invited someone less bitchy to the birthing room, your online enemies, your various encounters, all of them tremendously negative and spiteful. You also seem to be amazingly preoccupied with surface appearance and your own imagined Goddess-like beauty.

With qualities like that, what's not to love?

Hell, even your glowing announcement of marriage didn't close without a dig at your fiancee for the ring. Classy, you are not.
Donovan said:
You mean responding to your plaintive cries for attention and tales of woe, and pointing out why they make you look shallow and mean-spirited? Whose fault is that? I didn't post all that shit about how you made your fiancee get you a better ring because your materialistic side couldn't take owning the "wrong" symbol of his eternal love. If you portray yourself publicly as a bitch and a harpy, don't cry foul when I reserve the right to call you that.

So gentle, so kind, so hypocritical. You go on and on about the horrifying content of my posts and threads and yet you absolutely can not resist replying to them.

Some people know how to ignore people they have such disgust for but then that does take maturity.

If you feel you have a "right" to call me out I would just remind you that this is a website and contains little real life so don't get too excited.

I can think of very few things less important than your opinion of me. Belly button lint comes close, but even that demands more immediate attention than you. Maybe if it were someone ELSE's belly button lint. Then your opinion of me might carry weight.

But I doubt it.

Back at'cha Mr. Big Jeans. ;)

You misspelled "knowledgeable."

You misspelled "focusing", that's life.

Maybe because your every topic seems to start, focus on, and finish with some person you are currently pissed at. Your brother, your friends who invited someone less bitchy to the birthing room, your online enemies, your various encounters, all of them tremendously negative and spiteful. You also seem to be amazingly preoccupied with surface appearance and your own imagined Goddess-like beauty.

For someone in such dislike with me you sure remember an awful lot about me and the things I post about. How odd because you see, I can't remember even one thing you've posted, whether it be about you or any other topic. You're totally forgettable, truly unimportant, and amazingly boring. Don't you wish you could say the same thing about me?

With qualities like that, what's not to love?

My fantastically wonderful, gorgeous, amazing and incredibly loving fiance would agree, what's not to love?

How's the wife or girlfriend by the way?

Hell, even your glowing announcement of marriage didn't close without a dig at your fiancee for the ring.

It wasn't a dig dear, replacing the setting and center stone was his idea. I love my ring and wear it very proudly.

How about my fiance is just incredibly loving and wants nothing more from life than to make me happy and give me what I want. You might want to try it. Don't get me wrong, I'm sure there are plenty of women that don't mind hopping in your beater, cruising to your hovel and going dutch on a pizza but a woman with an ounce of self-esteem and worth won't be one of them.

Classy, you are not.

Knowing absolutely nothing about me, of course that is your opinion but as usual, you are wrong.

:smooch: Love you like a coldsore Dono.
Laker_Girl said:
So gentle, so kind, so hypocritical. You go on and on about the horrifying content of my posts and threads and yet you absolutely can not resist replying to them.
It is a courtesy to respond when quoted. Mostly I don't respond unless I feel like poking you with a stick. I have an anthill outside my house that gets the same treatment, don't feel too special.
Some people know how to ignore people they have such disgust for but then that does take maturity.
Who said disgust? I am here to help you poor misguided souls find the light of truth.
If you feel you have a "right" to call me out I would just remind you that this is a website and contains little real life so don't get too excited.
You're not the boss of me.
Back at'cha Mr. Big Jeans. ;)
You wish you knew how big my jeans were. Mainly because you know all Democrats are REALLY good at sex. We practice a lot.
You misspelled "focusing", that's life.
Yeah, but I didn't try to do it while calling other people kinda dumb. Got you with a spelling-cop troll though.
For someone in such dislike with me you sure remember an awful lot about me and the things I post about. How odd because you see, I can't remember even one thing you've posted, whether it be about you or any other topic. You're totally forgettable, truly unimportant, and amazingly boring. Don't you wish you could say the same thing about me?
Didn't I just say that? A good memory is a sign of active intellect. For you to remember little or nothing of threads that nearly drove you to apoplexy more than once would be a warning sign of brain-damage or early-onset Alzheimer's, since I know you're aging pretty rapidly. That means, when your alleged beauty finally fades sometime next year, you'll be left with nothing at all.
My fantastically wonderful, gorgeous, amazing and incredibly loving fiance would agree, what's not to love?
When the beauty goes and the drooling starts, he'll be gone so fucking fast his shadow will leave skid marks. As for what he sees in you now, I cunt begin to guess...
How's the wife or girlfriend by the way?
One's not dead yet, the other is just fine. She's a mental patient, you'd love her.
It wasn't a dig dear, replacing the setting and center stone was his idea. I love my ring and wear it very proudly.
So insist it stays the way he bought it and picked it out for you. Why trade up from something your soul mate picked with his own little hands? I got my girl a great ring, the stone is fucking huge, and it also is made of lollipop for when she gets hungry for a snack. You can't beat multipurpose jewelry.
How about my fiance is just incredibly loving and wants nothing more from life than to make me happy and give me what I want.
Most cuckolds are like that.
You might want to try it. Don't get me wrong, I'm sure there are plenty of women that don't mind hopping in your beater, cruising to your hovel and going dutch on a pizza but a woman with an ounce of self-esteem and worth won't be one of them.
Funny how all your opinions of worth and self-esteem seem to be tied to superficial trappings of wealth and people buying you stuff or doing stuff for you, and nothing about reciprocity. Doesn't that kind of learned helplessness mean the opposite of self-esteem?
Knowing absolutely nothing about me, of course that is your opinion but as usual, you are wrong.
:smooch: Love you like a coldsore Dono.
prove it. You can't get enough of me. You've probably never had a man stand up to you before.
Donovon said:
Funny how all your opinions of worth and self-esteem seem to be tied to superficial trappings of wealth and people buying you stuff or doing stuff for you, and nothing about reciprocity. Doesn't that kind of learned helplessness mean the opposite of self-esteem?
Now you are channelling me. Cut it out, please.
Donovan said:
See above topic, "Man Prime Directive." I.I.D.T.W.I.G.M.L, pronounced "idiot wig-a-mole." I ain't sweating until you do. I've been married, I already put in a lifetime of pay-it-forward pro bono work. Now it's strictly gash and carry...

Ohgawd.... I havent laughed so hard in weeks. There has to be 50 QoTWs in this thread alone!
