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The Walking Dead season 5

I didn't think they'd confirmed that? But I hope they don't kill off Carol. She's pretty much my favourite character, so to have her die, but boring Beth return would make a crappy episode.
OMG what if a zombie had a cell phone? HOW CRAXY WOULD TAT BE?

I remember seeing one of those Day of the Dead type movies where the zombie was in a room with a microphone. He was trying to talk the living person into coming into the room he was in. The main character was a woman with long, red hair. The movie was British, probably made in the 80's, maybe early 90's. Don't remember the name of it. It would be in the horror genre. Wasn't made as a comedy. Trying to find it now.
Probably it was Day of the Dead, which had to do with people trying to teach the zombies. But it was awful.
I didn't think they'd confirmed that? But I hope they don't kill off Carol. She's pretty much my favourite character, so to have her die, but boring Beth return would make a crappy episode.


(No it's not confirmed and maybe wasn't planned at all, but you know what the internet's like.)
Seems like the slower pace is back. It's interesting seeing how other communities are coping. The problem is they couldn't have Carol appear until the last second of the episode because it was a shock cliffhanger, so the rest of it felt a bit dragged out. And next week will probably be about someone else, then the week after that will be explaining how Daryl and Carol got to this point so we won't find out what actually happens next for another three or four episodes.
I was kind of disappointed to see another "The Governor" / megalomaniac situation pop up. We were finally done with him and they didn't give the group a chance to get going with the whole Terminus situation and all.

They concentrated on the cars when Beth and that kid escaped. The white crosses which Daryl was all too familiar with when Beth was abducted. Their story is always to tell the patient that they found them barely hanging on and about to be eaten by zombies and they should be grateful to the hospital for their lives. Seems to me they are simply going around kidnapping people and that's exactly what happened with Carol.

I just wanted to see what Daryl had with him. Hopefully next week.
Bit of a waste. I don't tend to find Beth very interesting, but despite that there was potential for this episode to be quite interesting, if only it hadn't been so repetitious and slow. Seeing how a different group has found a way to survive, and exploring alternate political systems is great. It's the bread and butter of scifi. But once they explained that central idea there wasn't much else to it. I ended up hoping she'd break out, not because I cared about Beth, but just so the bloody story would progress and we'd find out what happened to everyone else.

P.S. the main policewoman reminded me of Maggie Gyllenhaal.
How's this for a twist?

Noah escaped and found Daryl and Carol and they staged this 'rescue' of Carol to get in and save Beth and the rest of the group is there to help liberate the entire hospital from those psychos. Then the keep the facility for themselves for awhile or use the cars to catch up with the others on the short bus.

I never read the comics and have no intention of doing so. I like not knowing.
Yeah I agree about the comics. Although related they're more like second cousins than nuclear family.
This whole hospital story wasn't in the comics anyway.

It's the next story where Rick has his feet replaced with rollerskates in order to more easily chase zombies that's the real spoiler...
I'm glad they didn't drag out the "Eungene is lying" stuff any longer. For NON BOOK READERS was it obvious that he'd been lying?
I'm glad they didn't drag out the "Eungene is lying" stuff any longer. For NON BOOK READERS was it obvious that he'd been lying?

I had a big suspicion that he was full of shit about something. What exactly I didn't know.

I'd have punched his lights out too. I mean, why go to a city? Especially one as populated as DC thinking you're going to get into a super secret safety zone? Rick's group already went to Atlanta to the CDC and had to get out of there because there were way too many walkers to bother sticking around. Makes no sense to go to DC. Red's soldier on a mission kicked in when that coward made up that mission crap and being the good soldier that he is, he didn't even question it. He just changed his mind about eating that bullet and forged on with that mission. Bit of a dumbass for that and not questioning mullethead and asking for some kind of proof. Human genome project. pfft! that alone sounds hokey.

JMO as a non reader.
It's even more amazing that Rick bought into it. He should know better.

Did Carol die yet? If she did I must've been dozing.
Abraham was really desperate to believe in something when Eugene showed up. He probably normally would have know it was bullshit. I guess it gave them all a mission and a reason to keep living.

Carol was brought into the hospital where Beth is the last time we saw her.
I didn't guess he was lying, probably for the same reason the others didn't. I hoped his story had truth to it, that there would be a refuge, if not an actual cure.

Sometime I'd like them to go on the offensive in some way, and just try to eradicate as many walkers as possible. Ok, there are millions out there, but the only way that civilisation can really return and be safe long term is if they get rid of the dead.
My GF nailed the lying part without having read the books. For my part, I can totally see the dude lying to survive, especially the way it went down. Guy was close to getting killed and needed a tough running partner, no time for buying Abraham dinner and getting to know him, he had to go straight to the reacharound. He gives Abraham a reason to keep living, Abraham returns the favor. In the grand scheme of things what Eugene did to survive is mild compared to some of the others.

Carol hasn't died yet only because they have cut away to other people's stories for several weeks. I stand by my assessment that she's a goner. And now that the survivors have several extra black dudes Tyreese better watch his ass too.