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The Walking Dead season 5

Black people must taste better to zombies, because they're supposedly right outside Atlanta and only like five of them survived.
I hope the tiger guy is in the show (I think that's vague enough to not be a spoiler.)

Kinda late for worrying about spoilers now. Donovan blabbing about Carol has me hoping they changed things up enough to make him wrong.
My husband is reading the comics now and he's liking the comics better. I asked him not to tell me anything and he's been kind enough not to give out the spoilers.
Rest assured, Pandora, if I thought a spoiler was going to come from the comics I wouldn't mention it at all. This is entirely gut feeling and has nothing to do with "sooper sekrit inside info". That's jack's gig. TV Carol is nothing really like Comic Carol. What seems to happen in the tv show is that when ac tors leave or non-comic ones are introduced, they often take on characteristics and storylines that other characters had in the comics.

Example: in the comics, the entire "hunters" storyline occurred under different circumstances and timeline, and with different characters in key roles. Such as Bob-B-Q, whose epic "tainted meat" troll was actually uttered by Winnebago Dale from the first season. When Jeffrey DeMunn left the show most of Dale's bits went to Hershel, who died much more quickly in the comics. Then when the big departure came, Bob got tabbed for the IHOP scene.

So really you aren't missing or spoiling anything reading the comics, as I was afraid might happen originally.
Kinda late for worrying about spoilers now. Donovan blabbing about Carol has me hoping they changed things up enough to make him wrong.
My husband is reading the comics now and he's liking the comics better. I asked him not to tell me anything and he's been kind enough not to give out the spoilers.

My kids are about three seasons behind, so I know what you mean ;) I don't (never have) read the comics either and don't intend to start. Still feel that this is the best storyline ever and am very interested in where we're being taken.
Andrea's still alive in the comics and is actually a good character. That's pretty different from the show!
Yeah, Andrea in the comics was a much better character. In some ways I kinda feel like they gave her bits to Carol, the weak sister who turns badass.
Rest assured, Pandora, if I thought a spoiler was going to come from the comics I wouldn't mention it at all. This is entirely gut feeling and has nothing to do with "sooper sekrit inside info". That's jack's gig. TV Carol is nothing really like Comic Carol. What seems to happen in the tv show is that when ac tors leave or non-comic ones are introduced, they often take on characteristics and storylines that other characters had in the comics.

Example: in the comics, the entire "hunters" storyline occurred under different circumstances and timeline, and with different characters in key roles. Such as Bob-B-Q, whose epic "tainted meat" troll was actually uttered by Winnebago Dale from the first season. When Jeffrey DeMunn left the show most of Dale's bits went to Hershel, who died much more quickly in the comics. Then when the big departure came, Bob got tabbed for the IHOP scene.

So really you aren't missing or spoiling anything reading the comics, as I was afraid might happen originally.

Hey thanks for explaining how TV characters work and evolve. I never would have known. Being as stupid as I am I appreciate how helpful your post is. I couldn't even IMAGINE that the story lines would be different in the picture books. Thank you again.

And if you think I didn't catch the little dig at Jack because you think there is some fucking association between us you are most certainly wrong. Give it up. You don't have to be my internet monitor as well.
I can't see them killing Carol, at least not yet. She's more popular than Daryl at this point and the writers and show runners would be chased by angry villagers with pitchforks and torches. I could see Beth dying though. As cute as she is, she's not really very useful.
Hey Pandora, my post to you was an honest one stating that I don't spoil shit from comics to screen. Jesus you might be the most crazy-paranoid broad I ever encouneed online. My swipe at Jack was for his eyes since he seems to be analyzing my posts extra carefully these days. And there is zero fucking doubt you two have a connection. I just don't care what it is.
So leave me out of you paranoid delusions. Sometimes a post about a fucking tv show is just a post about a fucking tv show. Not all of us are insane stalkers. Goddamn looney broad.
Jesus you might be the most crazy-paranoid broad I ever encouneed online. .

I'll second that.

Her self-image is so damaged by who-knows-what that the only way she feels important is if she makes everyone she encounters an obsessive stalker and her their number one priority.

Goddamn loony is right. Fucking unwell.

Have you heard her claim to have been in the same courtroom as Flaglerchat?

Fucking LOL.

Connected to 'jack' indeed. Come to think of it only 'jack' comes close to matching her bullshit. And the only other pitch man for the existence of Mannix The Old Man of The Internet.

One and the same more like it.
Hey Pandora, my post to you was an honest one stating that I don't spoil shit from comics to screen. Jesus you might be the most crazy-paranoid broad I ever encouneed online. My swipe at Jack was for his eyes since he seems to be analyzing my posts extra carefully these days. And there is zero fucking doubt you two have a connection. I just don't care what it is.
So leave me out of you paranoid delusions. Sometimes a post about a fucking tv show is just a post about a fucking tv show. Not all of us are insane stalkers. Goddamn looney broad.

Well you came off rather patronizing so I replied in kind. No one is paranoid. Where the hell did you get that from my reply? Because of Jack? Sorry, I just call it like I see it and it seems that you and gear are always making sure you're around throwing digs at jack. I don't care what you do in that regard. That's between the 3 of you. Leave me out of it.
I'll second that.

Her self-image is so damaged by who-knows-what that the only way she feels important is if she makes everyone she encounters an obsessive stalker and her their number one priority.

Goddamn loony is right. Fucking unwell.

Have you heard her claim to have been in the same courtroom as Flaglerchat?

Fucking LOL.

Connected to 'jack' indeed. Come to think of it only 'jack' comes close to matching her bullshit. And the only other pitch man for the existence of Mannix The Old Man of The Internet.

One and the same more like it.

Oh bullshit. You are just mad at your failed troll on my site and you didn't like getting the crap treatment by my members done to you that you give everyone else you find you are not going to like. How do I know you were running a troll? Easy. Donation alerts. You haven't even bothered to come back and read your last PM that I sent you. Don't bother. I'm not in the mood for silly troll games. There was no paranoia about your joining, I simply saw through the troll effort and it was obvious my members didn't want you around.

And you just keep trying to say there is no Flaglerchat/Mannix and call me delusional, if that's what makes you feel better by all means continue to stroke yourself.