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Republicans hate the poor.

Dude, the only ones that are causing our system to crash are the mufti-billionaires that want more, the mega corporations that think they don't owe any societal dues, Wall Street that launders the money to them and the conservatives that blindly believe in the system and continue to pass legislation and abolish regulations that allow it to happen and could prevent it from happening again.

How are any of those groups depleting the system? How are they even remotely to be pointed at as being at the trough without needing to be?

Oh, they're not being stolen from enough?! How about a government that's blowing all it steals on $3,000 fecking toilet seats and other overpriced trinkets because it knows it can always fecking steal more?

How about instead of a government that engages in nationwide fucking thievery, we have a government that just fucking doesn't? How about we make sure the genuinely needy -- and nobody else -- are taken care of on a voluntary basis at the community level?

The people are not fucking tax cattle. Human beings do not exist for the pleasure of the fucking State, to enrich the fucking State, for the pleasure and amusement of the fucking State. That's not the fucking purpose of human fucking beings, to be hosts for a mosquito fucking State.

Arright? You cool with that?

The paraplegic veteran? That guy needs help. That guy needs it. LaTrine Jackson the career baby factory squirting out a litter of thug puppies every nine months fucking doesn't. That bitch, all four million of that bitch, needs a fucking job.
Here's the real solution to generational poverty. Said it before, I'll say it again.

Get the boot of the fucking State off everybody's goddamn throat. No more EPA regulation strangling fucking everything. No more FDA. No more DEA. No more drug war, no more minimum wage pricing everybody out of jobs, no more 20 million illegal aliens sopping up jobs shady fucking fatcats won't pay Americans legal wages to do. Okay? Put America back to work. First fucking thing, job number fucking one. Then cut off all welfare other than Social Security Disability. Why? Because nobody else will genuinely need it.

There's the fix. And nobody wants it, because nobody wants the system fixed. People want generations of minorities hopelessly, helplessly dependent. That's the new plantation, kids. It's the new fucking plantation. It's how slavery is done in the 20th and now the 21st century. Make them dependent. Make them fucking helpless. Well, congrat-u-fucking-lations. They are the new slaves. The new human chattel. Mooooo.
You know, there was a time when regulations would help capitalism. Why? Because they would motivate the companies to design new products that met the regulations. Not to mention that we kinda want the planet to be habitable - I know it's a shocker, but you need to have environmental regulations to keep the planet from becoming an even bigger ecological disaster. Some scientists argue that we're on the cusp of triggering the 6th (or 7th) mass extinction.

The war on drugs has been a hilarious failure, there's no questioning THAT.

Entrusting corporations to always do the right thing is honestly about as dangerous as trusting the state to always do the right thing. Sure, you've got your good eggs, but you also have your bad ones. There are companies that, if the minimum wage were abolished, WOULD pay Americans the wages illegals are payed. It's ugly, but if they thought they could get away with it, they would. And uncontrolled capitalism is just as bad as communism. Why? Because it allows for the creation of monopolies, and when they form, the only difference between working for the corporation and working for the state is the fact that corporations don't have political boundaries. What you need is a balance between the state, the corporations, and the people. If power shifts too far in any direction, it turns into an utter clusterfuck.
Listen, god damn it, you can't just go frying up fucking goat cunts on the neighbor's barbecue grill and then not invite the fucker to get his mouth around sizzling quadruped labia, for fuck's sake!
Know what the difference between a misbehaving corporation and a misbehaving government is? If you boycott a misbehaving corporation, they don't reserve the right to kidnap or murder your ass for it.
Might start by understanding what is the government and what is the corporation. They are comprised of people. People are greedy and selfish.

As a society, we need to learn how to lift each other up instead of learning we have to step on somebody else in order to get ahead.

We do have the mentality that "I" have to give up what I worked for in order for "them" to have what they didn't work for. It is with good cause. I can't tell you how many times when my daughter had pancreatic cancer I had to pay a big chunk of money before she could be seen by anyone in ER because she no longer had health insurance - even though I pay a huge amount in hospital district taxes every year - but an ethnic minority person in the emergency room to be seen for the flu and who didn't have insurance either would be seen without having to pay up front. It is soul crushing. It is the kind of thing that breeds this us against them mentality.
Honestly, though, maybe I agree. Let's not be for welfare reform. Yeah. Yeah, I think I'll be against it, too. Know why? Because libprog bullshit reforms itself, eventually.

Welfare is going to be reformed. It'll happen one of two ways:

1. Republicans and/or Libertarians will get enough clout to make it a lean, efficient, accountable safety net that helps only those who actually need it.


2. The waste and corruption will continue until the system collapses, at which point it'll help exactly no one.

But libprog policies needn't be reformed. They're self-correcting. Of course, they cost untold lives in the process.

Look how well things have worked out in Detroit. Atlanta. Oh, hey -- Baltimore. How about California. Hell, who doesn't want to see welfare go the same way. Good plan.
Might start by understanding what is the government and what is the corporation. They are comprised of people. People are greedy and selfish.

But only one gets to rob, kidnap, imprison, and murder people and get away with it. Both are greedy and selfish, but only corporations are reined in by their greed. How would Apple's revenue do if it started grabbing people off the street and caging them for trash-talking Macs? Or busting into the houses of people who bought Windows phones and shooting them, their kids, their dogs?

A corporation can't do that kind of shit if they want to survive in the market. Government has no such worry, and it does all of that, and with gusto.
That's what one of the voices in my head kept saying, 'til the other voices dragged him off and beat him with live cats. WHO SENT YOU?! :pissed:
Hey, Gear! Psssssssssss-T!


But only one gets to rob, kidnap, imprison, and murder people and get away with it. Both are greedy and selfish, but only corporations are reined in by their greed. How would Apple's revenue do if it started grabbing people off the street and caging them for trash-talking Macs? Or busting into the houses of people who bought Windows phones and shooting them, their kids, their dogs?

A corporation can't do that kind of shit if they want to survive in the market. Government has no such worry, and it does all of that, and with gusto.

The East India Company often did that to the natives in the areas it set itself up in. The natives didn't like how the Company was running things? It would send in its army (which was INDEPENDENT of the British Army, might I add) to crush the natives, and ensure the company's dominance. The reason it could get away with this shit is because it had a monopoly on trade. If a corporation becomes as powerful as the British East India Company, it WILL start behaving as a state. And the thing is? The East India Company wasn't ruling Britain. There was the British Army, and then there was the East India Company's Army (of about 200,000 men). Sure, the soldiers may have been British citizens, but that doesn't change the fact that they fought for the East India Company's interests instead of the British government's interests.
The East India Companies were operating under Royal Charter granted by Good Queen Bess. They were damn near the Halliburton of their day, and like Halliburton, their shady dealings rested on, unsurprisingly, the government's own monopolies over force and fear.

Government was then, as it is now, the engine of death and thus the root of the problem.
Possibly a better example of a corporation run amok would be the Pinkerton Detective agency, which got pretty damn nasty when it came to that company's union-busting activities. Maybe not nasty enough, though. An ounce of Pinkerton might've saved a pound of Detroit.
Still doesn't change the fact that corporations, if given the opportunity, will strive their hardest to achieve monopolies, and, in the lack of an established government, become a de facto state.

And while Libertarians might want a more government-free society, Republicans? Not so much. They CLAIM to want 'little government interference' in people's lives, but in reality, many of them seem to want a theocratic plutocracy. Where rich, white Christians rule everyone, and anyone who's not part of their group is [Mermaid Man]EVIL![/Mermaid Man].

(For the record, I'm not a Democrat. I'm actually unaffiliated with any political party. These are just things I've happened to notice.)

Or, would you prefer no centralized state at all? One where everyone has total free reign and only their sense of morality guides their responsibility? Well, that ain't gonna happen. Humans are naturally hierarchical creatures, and while not having a powerful leader may work well in small groups, it's a complete disaster in large ones. Every time there's been a lack of central power in a large group, we get things like Japan's Sengoku jidai period, or current Somalia. It becomes an utter blood-soaked clusterfuck.
Still doesn't change the fact that corporations, if given the opportunity, will strive their hardest to achieve monopolies, and, in the lack of an established government, become a de facto state.

That's one theory. But even if that were to prove out, it's no different than what we already have right now. Worst-case, we lose nothing. Anything other than worst-case, we gain quite a lot.
Humans are naturally hierarchical creatures, and while not having a powerful leader may work well in small groups, it's a complete disaster in large ones.

We don't need large groups.

Every time there's been a lack of central power in a large group, we get things like Japan's Sengoku jidai period, or current Somalia.

And every time there's been too much central power in a large group, you get things like Cuba, the Soviet Union, Fascist Italy, and I'm not giving you an opportunity to yell Godwin. :P
Actually, corporatocracies could be even worse than the current government. Because now, instead of being able to just elect new members into government, the people are powerless before the CEO and board of directors. It would be as nasty as any theocracy, communist dictatorship, fascist dictatorship, or heavily-inbred absolute monarchy. Many corporations would use slave labor if they could get away with it, since now, they own the workers, and don't have to pay them, that just means more money for the fat-cats in charge. The point is, letting the corporations run everything with no government oversight is just as bad as letting the government have a stranglehold on everything.
How are any of those groups depleting the system? How are they even remotely to be pointed at as being at the trough without needing to be?

There's currently 3 trillion US dollars stashed overseas. Now, between my cop pay and my pension, I'm at the 6 figure income mark. But I'm not stashing anything overseas. In fact, it's the super wealthy and the mega corporations that are stashing it. Which make up a very small percentage of the people in this country. And that's money that won't go back into our economy.

Oh, they're not being stolen from enough?! How about a government that's blowing all it steals on $3,000 fecking toilet seats and other overpriced trinkets because it knows it can always fecking steal more?

Um, if the government is paying 3000.00 for a toilet seat, THAT MEANS THERE'S SOME PRIVATE SECTOR COMPANY CHARGING THE GOVERNMENT THAT AMOUNT.

SO why aren't you screaming about the corporation that's stealing your tax dollars?

How about instead of a government that engages in nationwide fucking thievery, we have a government that just fucking doesn't? How about we make sure the genuinely needy -- and nobody else -- are taken care of on a voluntary basis at the community level?

Good idea. But before that can happen, the right needs to quit fucking lying about the issue, acknowledge the REAL problem and propose a method of fixing it that doesn't include burning down the house to kill the mouse.

The people are not fucking tax cattle. Human beings do not exist for the pleasure of the fucking State, to enrich the fucking State, for the pleasure and amusement of the fucking State. That's not the fucking purpose of human fucking beings, to be hosts for a mosquito fucking State.

Taxes are a civic responsibility. Not theft. The smart thing to do would be to take the majority of the taxes from the mega corporations AS THEY AREN'T PEOPLE and reduce the tax burden on the people who actually work for a living.

Arright? You cool with that?

No. You cool with my solutions?

The paraplegic veteran? That guy needs help. That guy needs it. LaTrine Jackson the career baby factory squirting out a litter of thug puppies every nine months fucking doesn't. That bitch, all four million of that bitch, needs a fucking job.

Or, perhaps some family planning to include the choice of birth control or abortion. We don't just fuck to propagate the species. At the same time, accidents happen. And if those on the right don't want to take care of the "litters" that they're trying to force women to have, then they better come up with some options or pull their heads out of their ass and the leave the decisions where they belong. With the woman and her family.