Dude, the only ones that are causing our system to crash are the mufti-billionaires that want more, the mega corporations that think they don't owe any societal dues, Wall Street that launders the money to them and the conservatives that blindly believe in the system and continue to pass legislation and abolish regulations that allow it to happen and could prevent it from happening again.
How are any of those groups depleting the system? How are they even remotely to be pointed at as being at the trough without needing to be?
Oh, they're not being stolen from enough?! How about a government that's blowing all it steals on $3,000 fecking toilet seats and other overpriced trinkets because it knows it can always fecking steal more?
How about instead of a government that engages in nationwide fucking thievery, we have a government that just fucking doesn't? How about we make sure the genuinely needy -- and nobody else -- are taken care of on a voluntary basis at the community level?
The people are not fucking tax cattle. Human beings do not exist for the pleasure of the fucking State, to enrich the fucking State, for the pleasure and amusement of the fucking State. That's not the fucking purpose of human fucking beings, to be hosts for a mosquito fucking State.
Arright? You cool with that?
The paraplegic veteran? That guy needs help. That guy needs it. LaTrine Jackson the career baby factory squirting out a litter of thug puppies every nine months fucking doesn't. That bitch, all four million of that bitch, needs a fucking job.