There's currently 3 trillion US dollars stashed overseas. Now, between my cop pay and my pension, I'm at the 6 figure income mark. But I'm not stashing anything overseas. In fact, it's the super wealthy and the mega corporations that are stashing it. Which make up a very small percentage of the people in this country. And that's money that won't go back into our economy.
If you live with somebody who swiped a $20 out of your wallet every time you leave it out, would you leave it out? Blame the Feds for stealing it. If they didn't, it'd stay here.
Um, if the government is paying 3000.00 for a toilet seat, THAT MEANS THERE'S SOME PRIVATE SECTOR COMPANY CHARGING THE GOVERNMENT THAT AMOUNT.
Sure, because the government is stealing to pay the bill. They don't care how high the bill is, so why should the company presenting the bill?
SO why aren't you screaming about the corporation that's stealing your tax dollars?
Because no corporation is. Government is.
Good idea. But before that can happen, the right needs to quit fucking lying about the issue, acknowledge the REAL problem and propose a method of fixing it that doesn't include burning down the house to kill the mouse.
People, and institutions, lie for one of two reasons. To get something, or to keep something. What does the right get, or keep, by lying? What does the statist left get, or keep, by lying? Seems to me the left has the most to gain by lying.
Taxes are a civic responsibility. Not theft.
When somebody uses fear or force to take money they didn't earn, that's theft. It's theft when it's the mugger in the alley with the zip gun, and it's theft when it's the government from the paycheck with the threat of a cage or bullets. If you can't say no and get away with it, it's theft.
No. You cool with my solutions?
What solutions? So far, all you've offered is a defense of the status quo, and the status quo is going to fucking self-destruct. I mean, if that's your idea of a solution, then sure, hooray, let it implode and leave people who are genuinely in need with nothing. Great solution.
Or, perhaps some family planning to include the choice of birth control or abortion. We don't just fuck to propagate the species. At the same time, accidents happen. And if those on the right don't want to take care of the "litters" that they're trying to force women to have, then they better come up with some options or pull their heads out of their ass and the leave the decisions where they belong. With the woman and her family.
I'm fully in favor of abortion. I think Margaret Sanger was 100% on the right track.